Speaking of Squash


D is working from the cottage today and I am a little bit jealous.  I have no reason to be,  as he was underneath the cottage early this morning, disconnecting our current plumbing, while I was sound asleep in our cozy bed.  But I am envious about the idea of working from the cottage in September.  So I have done the next best thing and set up on our little back deck in the city and if this drizzle of rain continues, I will move to the gazebo.

But I digress.  I first became acquainted with Pit Pat squash when I found it at the St. Norbert market last autumn. The way I prepared it then did not leave a positive impression upon me but when I received it again as part of my Blue Lagoon Garden share, I simply roasted it in canola oil to have with Gourmet Mac and Cheese.  I LOVED the taste-more flavourful than zucchini, with a nuttiness and slight acidity not found in other squash.  Now of course, I can’t get enough (like roasted beets this summer).

Kath’s quote: “Square meals, not adventurous ones, are what you should seek.”-Bryan Miller

Love-that is all.

posted under Entrees

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