Musings on the First Day of School
Even though my gang is long out of grade school, I still I am both excited and apprehensive on this day. The jitters that the kids would have, would always be passed along to me and I would wonder about teachers and bullies and besties. I would hope that they didn’t mind that although their clothes were clean and they had every item on their school supply list, that they would mind (or notice) that their new lunch kit was gifted to me at a golf tournament and that their gym shoes were actually one size too large because they were the only size left on that shoe sale.
My greatest anxiety was typically about their school lunch. I dreaded the task because no matter how much effort went into it at my end, the bags and Tupperware found in knapsacks, would tell the true tale of what had been considered delicious, let alone appealing. There were a couple of years where J1 traveled across town to school and then would stay in EK for dance classes in the evening and so lunch and dinner would have to be sent. I was a dreadful failure at this, believing that he didn’t mind the packaged pasta package that I would send with him, thinking to myself “he’ll need the carbs” for his workout.
Suffice it to say, I am glad that my lunch making days are behind me. Well, not quite. This Friday, a friend of the Frenchman moves in with us for the fall and he has requested room and board. I am relieved because there is no way that I could make the space for his ingredients in my weenie kitchen or overstuffed fridge. I will be responsible for providing lunch “ingredients” so that he can pack a lunch for himself. I think that I can pull that off.
I see photos of packed lunches on the Mommy blogs of compartmentalized boxes filled with fresh, nutritious and clever food. And I think, boy those kids must be so loved that their Mom’s would go to that much trouble. I hope that mine know that with working outside the home and scheduling extra-curricular activities for them, as well as trying to keep a house and take care of my hard-working husband, I did the best that I could manage. I also hope that in spite of mediocre lunch bags, they were/are loved more than words can say.
Love-that is all.