Taking Stock
So I’ve been hammering away at my computer every morning of this past year in my turquoise housecoat doing this blogging thing and with the New Year, it is time to take a fresh look at things. Could I please get your help?
In case you’re too polite to post your opinions in the comment section of the blog itself-here is my email address for your honest thoughts: kgrisim@gmail.com
Feel free to answer as many or as few questions as you wish:
1) the template that I’m using was intended to feel like a personal journal, is this appropriate or should I go to a fresh design? what design elements would suit the content?
2) I use a combination of my own photos and a photo service that I subscribe to-does this mixture of styles look inconsistent? is this an issue? should I use all of my own or all of a service?
3) I include many anecdotes from my personal life-thoughts, reflections, circumstances…..this makes for an interesting read or you don’t really give a poop?
4) I don’t consider myself a restaurant critic but more of a food appreciator and my restaurant reviews reflect this. Is this helpful or do you want to know about all of my negative observations as well?
5) If you are from Winnipeg-how do you feel when I write about our travel destinations? Are the details of a dining experience boring if it is a place that you will never get to travel to?
6) If you have come to the blog through trip advisor for info about Isla Mujeres, is the stuff about Winnipeg and Manitoba lake country tedious for you?
7) Are you able to navigate the site easily i.e. if you are looking for a specific topic or recipe? What “Pages” or Categories would be useful to you? i.e. should I further categorize recipes into breakfast, lunches, etc.
9) Is my heart sign off hooky and overly sentimental?
10) Are “Kath’s quote’s” interesting/funny/ironic or dumb?
11) Are my entries too long or too short?
12) I blog every workday, is this too often or not often enough?
13) I currently have a single advertiser but have been approached to include more. Do you mind blog advertising?
14) Do you find too many spelling mistakes, sentence structure errors and spacing issues? Do you actually notice or care or does it drive you absolutely crazy?
15) What other suggestions do you have for me?
Kath’s quote: “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them, and you have their shoes.”-Frieda Norris