
Do you see the outline of the cloud just above the horizon on the right? Doesn’t it mimic the outline of the coral right underneath it? I thought that was cool.

Another beautiful sunrise. I could get used to this.

No matter where you are, the colours of the island are breathtaking.

I met Sister #3 and Lorena at one of the Centro bus stops. We were going to Chedrui but was rooted through Colonia’s first.

My beautiful baby sister and look at the view out the window!
We didn’t mind, the return of bus service is very novel to us. I thought I had struck it rich at Chedrui finding no sugar, heart shaped cookies, lime and sea salt crunchie things, and cinnamon and pecan Special K. As I put the groceries away, I had a taste of everything and commended myself on the endeavour.

Then it was time to hit the beach. I walked the beach route to Media Luna to see if friends Jane and Peter were out by the pool but no luck.

So I continued around the tip of the island to visit Bro #3 and L on north beach.

It was another scorcher so I enjoyed a refreshing dip and as I was walking home past Rueben’s I realised it was Tuesday and you know what that means?! Crunchy tacos were on sale!

I was by myself so when I saw Penny also waiting for a table, we sat down at a table together. It was lovely to get acquainted and Ruben’s tacos were superb!
As I continued along I met Jane and Peter. They came up to check out XBulu Ha for future reference.

L waiting to capture that perfect shot.

Once again arrangements were made to connect with Brother #3 and L for sunset.
We were off to Ruben’s for supper! Think it sounds silly to return to a place for dinner, when you just enjoyed lunch there? That’s just how great Ruben’s is and so affordable you could eat each and every meal there.

Brother #3 enjoyed a burrito and L this Enchilada Suisa with both green and red sauce. She loved it!

I tucked into Ruben’s garlic shrimp which were aa-mm-aa-zz-ing!
Home for me was just down the block but my brother and his wife insisted on walking me-one of the fringe benefits of travelling with your little brother!
Covid Note: Ruben’s generosity is legendary. He raises money and toys so that no child is left out on King’s Day in January. Since Covid hit, he has rallied the troups to feed Isla. Why wouldn’t you want to support a restaurant owner who makes delicious, affordable food and give and gives and gives? I hope Ruben knows how much I love and appreciate him.
Kath’s quote: “Today, give yourself permission to be outrageously kind, irrationally warm, improbably generous. I promise it will be a blast.” – Sasha Dicter

Photo credit-Anne. A talented lady I have actually never met in person but we have a great cyber friendship.
Love never fails.