10 Things I Loved at She’s Connected
1. My new gel nails- that exactly match the turquoise of my business card and my bracelet from World Vision. These were lovingly applied by the nicest team from Bio Seaweed Gel at the Shades of Grey party.
2. My gorgeous new ilashme eyelashes-I feel years younger with them on. They take five minutes to become accustomed to because they are light weight but securely affixed. They make your eyes open wide and make me feel sophisticated and sassy at the same time.
3. Molson Canadian 67 Sublime -I was already a lover of the beer all by itself but I now have fun recipes for cocktails that I can’t wait to try out and the knowledge of cheese pairings to impress with at my next dinner party. I was blown away that a company like Molson’s hires so many savvy women in key roles. My understanding (and reverence) of their product has been elevated.
4. Meeting Stephanie from World Vision-I am quite sure that we will stay in touch. Her enthusiasm and passion was genuine and something just clicked when I spoke with her. I am so impressed that an organization like World Vision understands that female bloggers are a key way to get their message out in a compassionate way.
5. Getting to meet Heather, her staff and the rest of the Canadian Beef Ambassadors from Canadian Beef IRL (in real life)
over dinner at the Lonestar Texas Grill (amazing steak sandwich). The opportunity to attend the conference was because of Heather for the purpose of meeting the rest of the team. I was so impressed (and rather humbled) that I was in the company of such successful bloggers. Christine, Alexa, Lina-you have already coached and connected me in so many ways.
6. The Speakers for She’s Connected-I cannot even begin to list and share all that I have learned. I must admit I did some day-dreaming in a couple of sessions but that is good because I have been inspired to write a third blog that I can’t wait to get at. Stay tuned.
7. The hard-working Ambassadors for She’s Connected-(including my roommate Little Miss Kate), SoberJulie, Life On Manitoulin and Mommyoutsidethebox you all welcomed me into your circle and I cannot express my gratitude. I look forward to staying connected with you and blogging alongside you.
8. Donna Marie the founder of She’s Connected-I finally got a chance to introduce my self to her on our last evening. In spite of all the details, stress and people that she had encountered at the event, she recognized me, knew my work and praised me for it. I was very touched and look forward to spending more time with her in the future.
9. Getting to hang with the lovely ladies from the Manitoba Canola Growers. Thanks Jenn and Leanne. It was a comfort to start the conference off with friends from home.
10. Being in TO again. The city energizes me with its diversity, culture and natural and man-made beauty. I love to visit and I love to come home.
The view from my office window at home.
Until next year, lovely ladies….
Kath’s (overheard at conference) quote: “Go big, or go home.”
Love-that is all.