Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Canadian Beef
According to Wikpedia, Letterman’s Top Ten List was created as a way of mocking the lists which appeared in People magazine. My list is not a mockery…
10. Buying local means supporting the cattle industry right here in Manitoba-I come from a long line of agrologists and grew up wandering around the livestock section of the Royal Winter Fair in Brandon with my Dad.
9. We are a busy, busy family and as long as I remember to take a couple of cuts out of the freezer in the morning, beef is quick and easy to prepare.
8. We love The Keg Steakhouse and Bar. D and I met there many years ago and we go back on a regular basis to catch up with old friends and sink our teeth into a baseball sirloin or their melt in your mouth prime rib.
7. Ground Beef is so economical. I buy the value packs and then subdivide it into chubs for the freezer. The less lean grades are less expensive and we have a healthy (and frugal) manner to prepare it. I saute up garlic, onions etc, in a separate pan from the ground beef. Once the beef is finished cooking, I place it is a colander and rinse it with a spray of very hot water. The fat is washed away and then I tossed it with the veggies that have been cooked up separately.
6. Since there is a diabetes risk in my family, I am trying to consumer more protein and less sugars and carbohydrates. Beef is a perfect protein source.
5. I am just slightly anemic and beef is a fabulous way to boost up my iron-I even feel less tired after I eat it.
4. We honour so many special occasions with beef. From the Superbowl to
the Academy Awards.
I got to celebrate Mother’s Day with two families this year. On Saturday, D invited the kids over to hang with me in our yard that was full of blossoming trees. The next day, I was served up another Mother’s Day dinner at the cottage. This one was lovingly prepared for my sister and I by her husband: smashed potatoes, grilled asparagus, mushrooms and steak-oh my!
3. Steak & Toppers-Last year for my birthday D prepared medium rare New York steaks and then one topping of a balsamic tomato salsa and chevre and another of grilled shrimp in a hollandaise sauce. My birthday is coming up soon-what beef dish will he make me this time?
2. Teriyaki Beef Kabobs-they were requested by Daughter #3 for her birthday supper this weekend. D is going to make the sauce from scratch this evening and marinate them for 24 hours before skewering them with veggies for the grill.
And the number 1 reason why I love Canada Beef (drum roll please): I was the recipient of their scholarship to attend Eat Write Retreat in Washington, DC earlier this month. I learned so much from the presenters and other participants and can’t wait to return next year! A life changing experience for me…
Kath’s quote: “Beef is the soul of cooking.”-Marie-Antoine Carême