Food Musings

A Winnipeg blog about the joy of preparing food for loved ones and the shared joy that travel & dining brings to life.

Nice Musings


D and Daughter #1 are huge tennis fans and so this weekend the Monte Carlo tournament was avidly being followed at our place.  This prompted D and I to remember our wonderful time in Nice.  The timing was early October and the weather was perfect.


The summer crowds had diminished

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and we were free to roam the flower and food markets,


stroll along the boardwalk


and have sunset drinks at beach clubs.  Ah, it would be so lovely to return.

When we last visited, our coffers were dwindling as it was near the end of our sojourn from Sicily and up the west coast of Italy into France.  From Nice, we took the train to Paris and then flew home from there.  Whilst in Nice, we stayed at a comfortable place perched high enough to see the city below us and the Mediterranean beyond that.


The vista was beautiful from the window above our bed and the 180 degree balcony outside our shuttered door.

Just imagine the dining in Nice…garlic, artichokes, fennel, asparagus, olives, truffles and cheese meeting sea bream, crab, sardines and anchovies.  I recall the rich preparations of the Provençale kitchen and long to return.  If we get another chance to visit France and specifically the Riviera, we would likely want to find a place closer to the vibrant restaurant scene and the water’s edge.  When we originally planned this trip, I came across this hotel website on a regular basis:  Oh, that we had the opportunity to use the site to book a Nice Hotel right now!

Kath’s quote:  “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”-Dr. Seuss

BeFunky_wine heart

Love-that is all.