Food Musings

A Winnipeg blog about the joy of preparing food for loved ones and the shared joy that travel & dining brings to life.

Slow Cooker Island Inspired Beef Stew


Daughter #2 and the Frenchman

When the weather is snowy and I want to get all cozied up, I think about beef stew.  I don’t just want something warm and slurpy, I want something warm and hearty-something that I am sure that I have eaten because I can feel its goodness in my tummy.  And even though I could easily make this recipe on the stove top, I like crock pot stews in the winter, so I can appreciate the aromas in my house all day long.  This recipe in particular is full of unusual spices (unusual for a stew at any rate) like cinnamon and ginger.

We have not seen the sun shine since the beginning of November in Winnipeg and so as I was searching for a new stew recipe to try, I came upon this one on the Canada Beef website.  If I can’t see and feel the sun right now, at least I can remember the feeling with “tropical” recipes.   I served this over a brown rice pilaf and it was a savoury and delicious one bowl supper.


Slow Cooker Island Inspired Beef Stew
Recipe type: Entree
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 6
Smells delicious while it cooks in the slow cooker
  • 2 T canola vegetable oil
  • 2 lb Stewing Beef Cubes
  • ¼ c all-purpose flour
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 large onion, cut lengthwise into eighths
  • 1 t finely grated ginger root
  • 1 c beef broth
  • 1 can (28 oz) whole tomatoes
  • 2 T EACH Worcestershire sauce and paprika
  • 1 t EACH dried sage, crushed & cinnamon
  • 1 bay leaf and cinnamon stick
  • ½ t EACH chili pepper flakes, salt and pepper
  • 1 coarsely chopped sweet red pepper
  • ½ c raisins
  • ½ c green olives with pimento, halved
  1. Heat oil in wok over medium-high heat until sizzling hot.
  2. Brown meat in small batches.
  3. Set beef aside; sprinkle with flour.
  4. Add garlic, onion and ginger root; cook for 3 to 4 minutes or until just softened, adding more oil if necessary.
  5. Stir in broth, scraping up browned bits from bottom of pan.
  6. Add beef, tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce, paprika, sage, bay leaf, cinnamon, pepper flakes, salt and pepper.
  7. Bring to simmer.
  8. Transfer mixture to a 24-cup (6 L) slow-cooker insert.
  9. Stir in red pepper chunks and raisins.
  10. Cook, covered, on low for 8 hours, adding the olives in the final hour of cooking.

Kath’s quote:“Talk of joy: there may be things better than beef stew and baked potatoes and home-made bread — there may be.”
-David Grayson

Love that is all.

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