Guest Blogger: Sister #3-Simple Elegance


So many people feel like they have to fuss in the kitchen for hours in order to prepare an appropriate meal for company.  Recently I spent a weekend with a woman whose food personifies simple elegance.  She uses fresh, good quality ingredients but keeps it really simple.  Our breakfast of baked eggs were delicious.  Chopped green onion, parma ham and bits of brie topped with an egg and baked in ramekins for 20 minutes meant she was able to visit while we enjoyed our morning coffee.

Lunch was equally as easy to prepare. After breakfast she left out pre-cooked shrimp to thaw.  A few minutes before lunch boxed mixed greens were lightly dressed in a store bought champagne vinaigrette and topped with chunks of cantaloupe and the shrimp.  We picked nasturtiums (totally edible) from the potted flowers growing on the deck for a splash of colour.  Divine!

Kath’s quote:  “In cooking, as in all the arts, simplicity is the sign of perfection.”-Curnonsky

posted under Recipes

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