Travel Day-Isla Mujeres 2023, Dinner at La Lomita
We had flown into Montreal from Winnipeg the afternoon previously and even though things didn’t exactly go smoothly (luggage took 2 1/2 hours to get, we missed a French dinner out and our Uber didn’t pick us up at the Air BnB), we were pleased to get to Cancun relatively early in the day. Bro K and SIL L met us at the ferry dock. Oh my gosh, it was lovely to be “home” again.
Our pasty white selves.
Sister #3 had already moved into her apartment next door to where we would reside for our first 2 weeks. She had a welcome snack and refreshing drinks for us as we unpacked. Even though we had to mooch hangers, coffee mugs and glasses from Sister #3, we were happy with our relatively comfortable and affordable choice.
We managed to get organized enough to walk to Centro Beach for our first sunset. We were still pinching ourselves that the moment had finally arrived!
Perfection in paradise is relative I guess, because our sunset view was almost immediately blocked by another couple of travellers.
I was not discouraged, I simply wished them away (with a new setting on my camera).
Soon thereafter, we made our way to La Lomita. It was the first place we had ever eaten on the island in 2005. I can’t count the number of times, we have returned since then, bringing more and more loved ones into the Fans of La Lomita Club.
L chose my new favourite Mexican dish of the Enchiladas Suisse. I don’t remember whether I asked her for a bite but I couldn’t wait to taste them again. She too is hooked on them. Especially La Lomita’s version.
D ordered up another La Lomita fav-Chiles Relleno stuffed with cheese. They were glorious as always!
I wasn’t hungry enough for a full dinner so I did what I often intend to do, but never follow through on-I chose a plate of La Lomita’s fries. I consider their French Fries the standard for other IM restaurants to strive for. In other years I would have selected an entrée that came with fries, even though I wouldn’t have been hungry enough to eat it all. “No more” I pledged (with it being my first night on the island). And even though they were served after everyone else was finished eating-they were perfection with a squeeze of lime.
La Lomita was still as amazing and affordable as I remembered it. I don’t know why we just didn’t eat there every night!
We moseyed back to our little apartment via the Malecon to stare at the waves for a moment and once again, let it sink in that we were finally on the island again. We vowed to take a last glimpse of the water every night of our stay in Centro. But, we never did. Tiredness and the draw of our latest novels, assured that.
The only other event that evening was our first night in a Mexican double bed. Whenever I rolled over, D thought I was intentionally bouncing up and down on the mattress and me, him. Both of us are light sleepers and we knew that we would be in trouble if this were to continue. Thank heavens our little apartment had a second bed (underneath our hammock perch)!
Kath’s quote: “To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.”
– Bill Bryson
Love never fails.