
As I was enjoying my first cup of coffee this morning and getting caught up on the world via social media, I got a call from a friend who is in the same business as I am. She was inviting me to an upcoming event. Little did she know that it was a wake up call for me.
I spent the latter half of last week working on a media pitch and the start of this week wearing my food stylist hat (more on that below). My work is so varied and although it is always exciting and stimulating, I often have to put aside fun projects for the work that pays the bills. In fact, I didn’t actually make any money on that media project but I did make the “potential” for making some. I enjoy approaching a challenge with a big picture perspective-blue skying nuances that will take an existing client and make it fresh and new again.
The food styling gig was a particular joy because I received a call quite out of the blue. I rearranged some personal time and was available to work with one the continents’ best food stylists. She was very grateful that I was available to assist her on a movie set. In truth it was me that benefitted by watching her tricks and skill, assembling a well-loved family recipe of ours, and holding it for two hours without it looking anything less than just pulled from the oven. The work was very physical and quite stressful but the experience was another significant time of learning for me. I cannot believe that I still have these rich experiences so late in my career. Not to mention meeting the handsome star of a Hallmark Christmas movie….

Between then and now I have savoured the moments with the Wee Ones and their baby sister up at the lake. When I wasn’t reading The Lorax or a favourite Robert Munsch book, I was colouring with them in their “Incredibles” colouring book, pushing them on the swings or walking with them to the beach. Typically Poppa or Auntie Boo are their favs but this week they would run full speed down the road to be grabbed and swung around in my arms, they would want to sit next to me at the dinner table or whisper “I love you Glamma” when we were snuggling after a bath or a swim.

In addition, I still have scads of photos and musings about our time on Isla this year but my days of notes and pics are out of sync and I messed up the chronology of my trip reports. Ah me, I will just have to start over again in the middle of my annual stay. Another reason, not an excuse for why I haven’t posted here lately.
So where does the “wake up call” come into play? I have been so busy living life, I haven’t taken any time to reflect and write about these recent adventures. I have gotten out of “habit” of posting in this space. And….my cell phone needs a new battery so I haven’t been able to use it for any Instagram posts either (it feels like my right has been chopped off without it-sad I know)!
So with this post, I am back after a brief hiatus. I am eager to get our Mexican sojourn wrapped up so I take you with me on another adventure-Italy again this fall!
Kath’s quote: “You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.”― Jodi Picoult

Love never fails.