Have you ever wanted to run a Bed ‘n Breakfast ?-Part 2

The next time that we arrived at Aaron’s on the Lake, we showed up to work. Eleanore escorted us to the guest room in their home. The room is typically designated as the Bride’s Room, so that brides can get ready for their ceremony. There were no weddings that weekend, so it was all ours. We were comfy and cozy.

We couldn’t help but notice that the season has started to change, since our prior visit. The stairs had been removed from the pier and Canadian geese had claimed the south basin of Lake Winnipeg.

Eleanore’s flowers were still in bloom though and I made many trips to her raised vegetable garden to pick one of her many varieties of tomatoes, herbs and edible flowers which she/we used for garnishes.

I quickly learned a Bed and Breakfast tip, as soon as there is a break in the action, enjoy every sweet second of it. I finished my morning coffee at a quiet spot in the garden.

Once we had helped clean up after their breakfast service, we prepared for the guests who would be departing and arriving that day. Soon it was time for the four of us to gather over lunch. Not surprisingly, the Thai coconut chicken soup and the bruschetta that Eleanore and Randy whipped up was absolutely delicious.

We were assigned to charcuterie board making, as well as delivering elements of an exclusive package-handmade chocolates and bubbly to some special guests.

In the mean time, E & R had an opportunity to watch a football game at a neighbours. We took our responsibility as Guest Hosts seriously and took care of the Bed and Breakfast’s greeter/mascot seriously -feeding and walking Jake! He reminded me of another puppy in appearance and temperament-both gorgeous and gentle.
We watched some of the football game too and made a light supper of left overs from their enormous fridge. Don’t you love other people’s leftovers? We did some prepping for next morning’s breakfast cuz we were to fly solo the next day.

The next morning, I was setting the tables in the dining room when I spotted the most beautiful apricot colour out of the corner of me eye, so I abandoned my duties and snuck out to capture the exquisite sunrise.

Doug made this sumptuous cinnamon French toast breakfast, which the guests were very pleased with.

I was responsible for clean up, so that D could get to his regular job, at his normal time. D’s job is a remote one so he can work from anywhere in Canada. E & R let him use their office. Love his view.
After this wet run, we all agreed that the next time we Guest Hosted, we could manage totally on our own. The date is set in October and we can’t wait.
Kath’s quote: “Dip the bread in the egg mixture and fry it up. French toast is like breakfast and dessert all in one.“-authour unknown

Love never fails.