BC Trip Report- Day 5 & 6, Pender & Crescent Beach

D had to work that day and it rained in the morning, so the day had a very lazy feel for Nancy and I.

While I made supper, the evening clouds were spectacular so I ran back and forth to deck to try to capture their splendour.

The next day started in Pender. It was hard to say good bye to such a serene, majestic place. Nancy was an amazing host.

We stopped en route to the ferry at Persefone Brewing. D was thrilled to finally check out their offerings.

The weather was so warm that we basked in the sun while waiting for the ferry.

We had a choice spot on the ferry and I really enjoyed the crossing. Upon docking, we travelled through the city from north to south and checked into a brand new Air BnB at Crescent Beach.

It is customary for an Air BnB host to leave a little treat for the guests. This was waiting for us. (At home in Winnipeg we leave a beer selection from Little Brown Jug). It is fun to tell our guests that our son brewed the beer!

Our studio was in a converted garage, called a coach house. It was brand new. Only 2 sets of guests had stayed there before us. Everything was freshly appointed (but there were a couple of glitches that needed to be tweaked). We know from our years as Air BnB hosts that a white couch, white towels, white bedding and white carpets are beautiful but not practical. As well, and I admit that I am vertically challenged but the shelves in the kitchen were too high, mirrors were hung too high and I could reach the shower hose. But we loved the location and our host was very gracious.

We were too late for sunset but we enjoyed a relaxing stroll along the shore of Crescent Beach. I had visited Nancy on previous occasions at her cottage/house at the beach. Many years ago the beach was an opportunity for cottagers to escape from the city with just a short drive. Now a days there are many permanent residences in quaint (and in some cases-spectacular homes) in the neighbourhood hugging the shore. The delightful community and beach is now a popular day tripping spot.
Kath’s quote: “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey” is a quote famously attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson. This so true when traveling around the BC’s lower mainland. D pointed out that the saying doesn’t necessarily hold true driving from Winnipeg to Brandon.

Love never fails.