BC Trip Report-Day 12, False Creek Dinner
On this day we really felt like locals. D took a break from work so we could walk to get additional groceries in the rain.
The dinner table was all set.
The place looked really comfy and cozy in the rain.
Of the fifty plus people in my immediate family (that is my siblings, their partners and their children), very few do not live in Winnipeg or at Lester Beach. But Eric and Meg knew that they could work from anywhere and had an adventurous spirit when they moved to Vancouver a number of years ago. They have a place just across from where we stayed, in Yaletown. They love the neighbourhood and have made many friends.
For most of the rest of the that day, I got ready for their arrival. Turned out that they really like charcuterie. This course was a big hit.
D and I are a pretty good cooking team. He grilled shrimp and asparagus for us to stack onto a plate of fresh pasta. We publicly joke that our timing in the kitchen/grill is often off. Typically D Yells “10 minutes” to me when I have everything already on the table. This night though, I was the guilty party. Everything was done on the grill but because I was in an unfamiliar kitchen, when I pulled out a pot large enough for pasta, it turned out to be a cast iron one. The water took no less than 20 minutes to boil! But all was well in the end.
Meg and I enjoyed our processco and the guys their craft beer. We were content.
We had splurged and purchased an apple tart (so big that I would call it a pie). We all enjoyed a little treat and then I thought, what am I going to do with the rest of this pie? I asked Eric and Meg and Meg declined saying that they had lots of treats in the house. I have to tell you, that sending leftovers home with my family is a love language for me. I think this is acquired from Sister #2 who often feeds as many people the second day, as when she invites people over for dinner. After a slight hesitation, Eric said that he would love to take the tart home. Yahoo, my heart sang!
Our families all connected for Thanksgiving dinner that weekend, so it was lovely to have a beautiful thanksgiving of our own. I was thankful for so many things- a loving family and delicious food being the top of my list!
Kath’s quote: “Our homes may be far apart, but our hearts are as close as always.”– Authour unknown
Love never fails.