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“Worth the Trip”-Part Two


Part two of my summer column in Winnipeg Women/Dish Magazine.

“You’ll find Rembrandt’s Bistro at 1 Wellink Drive in Lockport.  The service and food is fantastic – like being at Terrace 55 but in the country.  Of special note, is the Red River cereal crème brulee which is served as a first course on the winter brunch menu.  

If you are ever heading south on Highway 59 en route to St. Malo, stop in at St. Pierre-Joly’s Le Bebe Rouge Drive In.  They are only open in the summer and the burgers are sensational (we can’t quite figure out what makes them so).

While en route to Clear Lake, driving west on the Trans Canada, you’ll want to veer into Portage la Prairie for a visit to Tres Unique Café in the historic Land Titles Building.  Check out their Facebook page to see what’s for lunch.  I’ve seen messages about Fiddleheads and asparagus (just picked from her garden) being made into quiche.  Chefs that I follow on Twitter are raving about Horfrost at 190 River Road also in Portage.  The inventive chef is serving up local ingredients prepared in a classical style but with surprising twists.

Honourable mentions from other Facebook friends go to Pine Ridge Hollow at the edge of Bird’s Hill Park and the Harvest Moon Café in Garson.  All of these little finds are within an hour of Winnipeg and definitely worth the trip.”

Kath’s quote: “A favorite dish in Kansas is creamed corn on a stick.”-Jeff Harms

Celebrate Good Times-C’mon


My lovely daughter-in-law missed out on the celebration of her birth on her birthday weekend as we were all away in Minneapolis and she was not feeling well.  My son and husband thought that it might be nice to combine events and recognize both birthdays with a special lunch.

So what was on the menu?  We had a stash of beautiful strip loins in the freezer and while at The Keg Friday night for after work beverages-was inspired to do steak toppers.  D concocted three luscious choices:

mushrooms and onions sauteed in butter and garlic

roasted pecans, chevre and a basil & balsamic salsa

pan fried shrimp and bernaise sauce

Over mojitoes, made the authentic way by mashing the mint and sugar, we amused our mouths (amuse bouche) with a baked brie smothered in bubbling blueberries.

Mounds of roasted sweet potatoes and spring asparagus accompanied the topped steaks along with a family tradition: herb pull-apart loaf just out of the oven.

D wanted to honour two favourites by purchasing me a Jeanne’s cake and making hot fudge sundaes for Daughter #3. The recipe for D’s family recipe is included in the recipe archives.  Years ago we knew that Daughter #3 would fit into our family perfectly when D made hot fudge at the cottage and #3 asked for a spoon to clean out the sauce pan.

Red wine was poured all around and I savoured mine in my new ceramic wine goblet made by my favourite potter Kathryne Koop, with whom I share an unusual name spelling.  D remarked with dismay that now he won’t be able to keep track of how much is in my glass (to refill it of course).

The number of birthdays that we celebrate is not infinite, so make each one special and use the day to celebrate family and its unique bonds.

Kath’s quote:  “The dinner table is the center for the teaching and practicing not just of table manners but of conversation, consideration, tolerance, family feeling, and just about all the other accomplishments of polite society except the minuet.”-Judith Martin

Thank you my sweet babe.

Doesn’t Take Much


Are you familiar with the expression “Well it must not take much to make you happy” usually said with a sneer and a sarcastic tone?  How could receiving happiness from the little things in life, possibly be a bad thing?  Today  I have chosen to be alone. I got a few urgencies taken care of this morning in the city and arrived at our little cottage about noon. 

This is how I have spent the time since I got here: I immediately took my Granddog for a walk down to the beach to see how high the water level was and to see what damage that it has done over the winter.  I returned to the cottage and had a lovely lunch of delicious leftovers.  I then ventured out again, this time with a spade and a bucket to dig up marsh marigolds from a flat/wet stretch by the beach.  

The plan for the rest of the day is to write and mark papers from my perch on the wicker love-seat  on the deck.  I may make a cup of David’s tea that was a recent gift from Daughter #1 and tonight if the weather is not too wild I will head down for sunset with a lovely glass of Merlot -a gift from daughter #2.  As an extra special treat, I will have an end piece of Jeanne’s banana cake.   You see, today is my birthday. 

So why would I choose to be all alone on my birthday?  Well, for one I had a wonderful day of celebrations yesterday and for two, I love being alone.  It is one of the things on my list of simple things that make me happy.  It goes together with eating only when I am hungry and eating exactly what I want.  Because I am alone I could have cracked pepper sunflower seeds and an iced coffee for breakfast today. 

I am getting older but not too old that I couldn’t stand and dance for two hours at the U2 concert last night.  Not too old that I can’t take a spin on my turquoise Road King bicycle that I brought from the city with me today.  Not too old that I can’t hear and identify the individual sounds of the birds that live in the forest around the cottage.  Not too old that I can’t smell and savour the rich scent of the lush underbrush and wild flowers that are abundant because of this wet spring.  Not too old that I can’t get on line and enjoy all the best wishes of my Facebook friends.  Not too old and pre-occupied with aches and pains instead of the well-being of good health and vitality that I enjoy.

I have a puppy dog curled up and snoozing beside me; I have work that I love that can be accomplished from any location; I have a family and a circle of friends whom I adore; I have a good book waiting for me when my work is done; it is the little things.  I am content-happy birthday to me.

Kath’s quote: “Cooks are in some ways very much like actors; they must be fit and strong, since acting and cooking are two of the most exacting professions. They must be blessed – or cursed, whichever way you care to look at it – with what is called the artistic temperament, which means that if they are to act or cook at all well, it cannot be for duds or dummies.”
Andre Simon

Thanks a Million


The Keg Steakhouse & Bar (or Keg ‘n Cleaver as it was known in those days) originated in Vancouver in 1971.  When they opened their first Winnipeg location on Garry St. I was one of the hostess that stood out on the sidewalk to get the names from the people at the back of the line as it stretched down the sidewalk.  Those were crazy days for me, university classes during the day and long evenings trying to balance a tray full of Silver Clouds while maneuvering in a skirt that touched the ground.  If you’ve seen the beautiful ladies at a Keg lately, you’ll see that the skirt length has definitely changed!

Me & my girls-off to celebrate B’s grad at The Keg

I loved my job-the training was excellent, the clientel were great and with the money that I made in tips I was able to move into my own apartment and travel Europe to boot! 

The current Winnipeg Keg owner with D and Bro-in-Law

But best of all was that the Keg management and staff were like family-figuritively and literally!  In those days the Keg was owned and operated by George Tidball (who brought McDonald’s to Canada).  He was a man who believed that if a person was a great Keg employee, their sister or brother would likely make a great one too!   If you were a Chapdelaine, a Grisim, a Kapilik, a Resch or a Furlan you were likely working at the Keg.  Over the years my Mother-in-law, my husband’s two sisters and three brothers all worked there.  One sister-in-law met her husband at the Southside location.  My own two sisters and two of my brother-in-law’s brothers were on staff as well….well you get the picture.  It was a ripple effect and the friends that I made over my long career at The Keg are still my very best friends today.

Two of these three were Cocktail ladies with me in the 70’s

Ten years ago when The Keg Steakhouse and Bar celebrated their 30th Anniversary they established the Keg Spirit Foundation supporting many persons and initiatives that are close to my heart.  Big Brother & Sisters alone have received over a $1 million.  In all, $5 Million dollars have been rewarded to over 300 charities across North America.  Now, ten years later, they are celebrating the milestone of their 40th anniversary with a Million Dollar Give-away available in 40 grants of $25,000 each and the public decides who will recieve the gifts.  All the details regarding grant applications and the voting and awarding process is on line at

“It takes a village to raise a child” (I know this from first hand experience), and sometimes the charity and support from a business that “pays it forward”, is also necessary.  The Keg Spirit Foundation is one of the many reasons why I am proud that I am Keg alumnae. 

Kath’s quote:  “To see the butcher slap the steak before he laid it on the block, and give his knife a sharpening, was to forget breakfast instantly. It was agreeable too – it really was – to see him cut it off so smooth and juicy. There was nothing savage in the act, although the knife was large and keen; it was a piece of art, high art; there was delicacy of touch, clearness of tone, skilful handling of the subject, fine shading. It was the triumph of mind over matter; quite.”-Charles Dickens

Keggers if you happen to read this-drop me a line.  I miss you.

Brooklynn’s Bistro-A Preview


We were delighted to receive an invitation for a sneak peak to this new edition to the Exchange scene at 177 Lombard Ave.

Almost immediately, we were greeted by Franca who introduced herself as Broklynn’s Mom.  My brain processed: “Oh so not “Brooklyn” as in NYC but  “Brook Lynn”.”  Being a lover of babies and family, I was impressed even before I even had a sip of a specialty cocktail or a taste of a canape by a business named after a 3 year old child.  Enormous black and white close ups of the photogenic little girl are the few accouterments of the understated decor. 

Franca also indicated that Chef Darryl was incorporating many of the family’s authentic Italian pasta and sauce recipes onto the menu. While we chatted and waited for the the sampling trays to circulate, I sipped on a glass of Zero Negro who’s taste I remember from our time in Sicily and D a Basil Sky-a martini made with a swill of Sky Vodka surrounding a pinched sprig of basil.  The lip of the glass had been edged with lemon and salt-so clever.  By the end of the evening we changed things up with a Peach Bellini.  I was totally uncouth as I dug the peach slice out of the bottom of the glass to enjoy.

A shard of grana padano topped the carpaccio 

We spotted the pasta dough being tossed in front of the Italian wood-burning pizza oven.  Somehow authentic pizza dough has the ability to be light as air and yet substantial enough to hold a bevy of toppings.  The Margerita proved to be our favourite. 

Brocoli, pork belly on saffron polenta

Chef Darryl Crumb’s reputation proceeds itself, having competed for Canada’s Top Chef.  His spins on the family’s classic Italian recipes were our favourites of the evening.

Beef Ravioli with a Red Wine Reduction

Pièce de résistance-Pesto Gnocchi

We often order gnocchi when we dine as we haven’t mastered the knack for these pillowy clouds of potato at home.  When tossed in a light cream sauce and then a drizzle of pesto-the dish was in our minds, the star of the evening.

That was of course until we saw Brooklynn herself arrive to meet the guests. 

When we attend the theatre or an event at the Concert Hall, we often look for a spot in the area for a light bite to start the evening.  We like to park once and walk from a bistro to the venue (as parking is at a premium in the area).  We also enjoy a performance much better, if we haven’t been weighted down by our dinner.  This will make Brooklynn’s an obvious choice in the future and we predict much success. 

Thank you for your hospitality.

Brooklynn's Bistro on Urbanspoon

Kath’s quote: “Often, admiring a chef and getting to know him is like loving goose liver and then meeting the goose.”-George Lang

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