Prague Day 2, Part 4-Light dinner at Sisters Bistro

Sister #3 is an expert food and restaurant researcher. I would say that I am pretty good too when I am not busy with my Media Chef work (my media consulting company) and it just so happened that I was happily busy before our Europe departure! As a result, Sister #3 had a short list of places that she wanted to check out including Sisters Bistro above. Perhaps she was sentimental that the three sisters were on this monumental trip together, perhaps it was our fondness for gourmet open face sandwiches…

We started the evening with a quick stop at a gorgeous floral store. We were going to meet family the next evening and we wanted to pick up something for them that would remind them of us, so we chose a dried grass arrangement which included oats, barley and wheat all grown on the Canadian prairies.

Coincidently there was another item for sale in the shop that reminded me of home. This beautifully fashioned dream catcher. Dream Catchers originate with the indigenous people of North America, hand made to protect infants from illness and evil spirits. But I digress….to the food!

At Sisters Bistro, we allowed Sister #3 to order for us and were delighted when the six different “oblozene chlebicky” arrived for the three for us to share. Since we come from a family of six (three girls and three boys), we have always known how to share fairly. My Momma instructed us that if one person cuts the portions and the other people get first choice, the person doing the apportioning is sure to the make the cuts are equal as possible. And so, it was….
The sandwiches, in addition to being delectable to the eye were the perfect combinations of food enhanced by their accouterments. They included roast beef, egg with sun dried tomato, smoked turkey, beet root and goat cheese, Hungarian salami and Parma ham. We were in heaven!

We were considering the purchase of another Czech treat that we had seen in and around the square. We had spotted “trdelniks” – a pastry shaped like a spiraled cone in the bakery section of the bistro and were very tempted, but we opted for an even more traditional Czech dessert, one we remembered being made by our Polish/Czech grandma who passed decades ago in her 90s.

We made the quick stroll pack to “our” Pekdy Bistro as Sister #3 had spotted “Medovik” (Honey Cake) on the menu. I had never attempted to make it and didn’t remember even tasting it. That was likely because I was such a picky eater as a kid that had my Grandma Felicia had ever offered me a slice, I would have balked at the sweetened cream of wheat which separates the layers. I will immediately hear from Sister #3 if I have gotten this recipe incorrectly.

Sisters #2 and 3 were smitten with the cake and appreciated that it was delicious without being too sweet which is not the case with many North Amercian desserts. In fact, every confection that we tasted in Europe we were struck by this including my choice that evening: carrot cake chock full of raisins and spices.
Soon after, we headed the short distance home to get our beauty sleep, for after all, we had many more eating adventures ahead.
Kath’s quote: “Dessert is to a meal what a dress is to a woman.”- Beatrice Peltre

Love-that is all.