100 Mile Dinner (160 KMs) -Winnipeg, September 13th, 2011


We have adult children and I am happy to say that when the kids were younger they rarely got into trouble (or mischief that was reported to us, at any rate).  One of the reasons for our good fortune may have been that they were always involved in a sport or artistic endeavour.  Swimming lessons were mandatory and they could pick one other activity each, that we would pay and drive them to.  Now I know that this is because we live a privileged life in a safe community and that is not a luxury for all my fellow Winnipeggers.

The Boys and Girls Club of Winnipeg tries their darndest to equalize the playing field.  Their programs allow boys and girls the opportunity to relate to caring and positive role models who are interested in helping increase their skill levels to make good decisions for themselves.  This is a wonderful organization who deserves our support.

A delicious way to do so is by purchasing a ticket to their upcoming 100 Mile Dinner which takes place on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at the gussied up Crescentwood Community Club at 1170 Corydon Ave.

Volunteer Chefs will be Luc Jean, Scott Bagshaw, Adam Donnelly, Makoto Ono, Norman Pastorin, Ariel Shor, Alexander Svenne, Ben Kramer and Chef Rob.  They will be serving up pickerel, bison, elk, cheese made by Trappist monks and John Russell honey. 

Tickets are $125.  Call 982-4941 or email kozak@wbc.mb.ca for tickets and/or more info. 

I’ve got my ticket and I’ll see you there.

Kath’s quote:  “Often, admiring a chef and getting to know him is like loving goose liver and then meeting the goose.”-George Lang 


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