Four Birthdays and a Cocktail Party


I have posted before about the cocktail party that the three sisters give to our Mom as her birthday gift.  Her birthday is in January but we always wait for the fair weather so that her friends will have an easier time of driving and managing the stairs.  We quite randomly decided upon this year’s date in June to find that it was the actual day of my oldest brother’s 65th birthday, the day before my second oldest 64th birthday and two days before my Mom’s best friend’s 81st birthday.  So it turned out to a multi-birthday celebration.  Celebrating long life, good health, family and friends with food-what a splendid idea!

Chili Rubbed Shrimp

Chicken Satay

Goat Cheese en Croute with a Balsamic Redux

Anti-pasto Kebabs

Jerk Pork tenderloin

Artichoke Nibblers

Mushrooms Neptune

Korean Pork Cups

Asparagus in Phyllo

Last year the food was wonderful but Mom complained that “her girls” were too busy in the kitchen and did not have the time to visit with her guests (she means brag about us while we are in the room).  So we simplified the menu to these selections.  All were prepped ahaead of time and many served cold.  Clean up was a breeze!  Most recipes are already posted here but if there is one that you would like-leave a comment.

Give a party as a gift-it is the gift that keeps on giving…..

Kath’s quote:  “The Cocktail Party – a device for paying off obligations to people you don’t want to invite to dinner.”-Charles Merrill Smith

Untrue in this case.

posted under Food Celebrations

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