Dani’s Dinner


I was recently going through my blog drafts and realized that I had never posted this one about the farewell dinner that D and I prepared when one of our nieces left to spend an extended time in Australia.

I asked her in advance what she would like us to make for her and she replied with “Auntie, I love everything that you cook!”  So I gave her a shorter list of options and she selected Mexican as she is an Islaholic like the rest of us.

D marinated both chicken and beef marinated in Goya brand Mojo Criollo that we had purchased at the El Izcalo on Sargent Ave. here in Winnipeg.  The sauce is a tangy blend of bitter orange and lemon juices, accented with garlic and spices.  He also rubbed Achiote Contimentado paste on the pork before he wrapped both in banana leaves as he is doing in the photo above.

I also made Chopped Zucchini with Corn that was topped with Queso Fresco: Fresh Farmers Style Cheese.

I prepared this dish of condiments to be inserted into the corn or flour tortilla shells with the meat.  Sister #3 brought along her glorious homemade guacamole.


In preparation for the evening, I had to set up two dinner tables: our usual one in the dining room with the two extra leaves and a temporary one in the living room to accommodate the “Adults”.  This is written with tongue and cheek because all 14 of us are adults.  Imagine having so many people who you love that you can’t fit them all at one dining table?  This is my life.

Sister #2 contributed the chocolate fondue for dessert.

Dani is due to come home in June, if everything goes as planned.  Some things have changed in our family since Dani left in January. But one thing will never, never change. We are a family who demonstrate our deep love for each other with the sharing of food.  Miss you Dani. Muah!


Kath’s quote:

“Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That’s all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
 I look at, and I sigh.”

William Butler Yeats

(Just got back from Ireland and kind of fixated on Irish prose)….

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