Foraging for Peepenky by Guest Blogger-Alice Kulyk
Honey Fungus mushrooms are called “peedpenky” by the Ukrainian community. They are best stored frozen or canned. Drying tends to toughen them. My method is to clean them, without washing, as best I can, discarding stems from bigger mushrooms as they can be tough. I cut them into the size I prefer, measure out 1 lb and freeze them raw using my vacuum sealer. They can be stored this way in the freezer for at least a year. These mushrooms are almost as good as fresh when thawed.
When ready to use them I let them thaw and because they can contain a mild toxin I boil the peedpenky for 3 -4 minutes in slightly salted water. They are then rinsed, which provides the washing of them as I do not wash before freezing. They are now ready to cook as you wish. You can sauté them with onions, garlic and parsley, thickened with a little cream and served with pasta or perogies. You can also add them into your gravy while it is cooking.
Another method of preserving peedpenky is to clean as best you can, cut into appropriate size and rinse. They should then be blanched for 3-4 minutes, then drained and frozen using fresh water. When you are ready to use them they can be thawed, rinsed and then sautéed and put into gravy or other dishes.
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Kath’s quote: “The sudden appearance of mushrooms after a summer rain is one of the more impressive spectacles of the plant world”.- John Tyler Bonner
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