Weekend in Charlottetown-Day 1
We met a number of years ago on another island. On our annual sojourn to Isla Mujeres, they were staying in the same 4 unit hotel on the sea. The hotel is very simple and basic but the attraction is not what is in the four walls but what is right outside your window!
The patio is fairly small so that the time that you spend enjoying the sea breeze is often shared with the other guests. Well D and I hit it off with the Charlottetowners immediately (I wanted to say Islanders but that might confuse you as the residents of Isla Mujeres who are also called Islanders by the travellers). To the extent that on other years on the island we would book times with each other to get caught up but to mostly just “be” in each others company. When they said “you must visit us on the ‘other’ island one day” as tourists are apt to do, little did they know that it was precisely what we planned to do.
Unfortunately the high price of airfare to fly within Canada was our stumbling block. Our thinking was “sure we would love to be in the maritimes again but when we could travel to the seaside in Europe for almost the same price, why would we?”.
Confederation Bridge on the return to Halifax
The inclusion of Swoop Airlines on the list of travel options was a game changer. With some logistical expertise (which husband D has in spades) we charted our course: fly to Hamilton, connect to Halifax, rent a car, drive over the infamous bridge and voila we are there! The highway was a little tricky as there was no one else on it, it was extremely dark and we were warned to watch for moose. Our rental car was very compact and if we encountered a moose, he/she would definitely be the victor. By the time we arrived, we were both pretty spent and even though our host was kindly waiting up for us, we immediately fell into our bed.
We were thrilled to see our surroundings when we woke up the next morning. The vintage side by side that we were staying in was on the cusp of the gorgeous neighbourhood of Brighton and the Victoria Park area. D immediately clicked the leash of another of our hosts-chocolate lab Luka, and was off to explore. He was amazed that only a few short blocks away, he was right on Charlottetown’s beautiful harbour.
We enjoyed our leisurely coffees on the sunny front porch and then we were off to the PEI Shellfish Festival which was another reason we had decided to visit (more about it in another post).
Kath’s quote: “Get over it.“-Confederation Bridge
Love never fails.