Old Fashioned Walnut Slice
Do you ever get the craving to make something from your childhood that still retains that “old-fashioned taste”? Such was the case when I found a huge bag of walnuts in my freezer. This recipe is very similar to one that my Mom use to make. They come out really hearty tasting and chewy-yum.
1 c flour
1/2 c butter
2 eggs
1-1/4 c brown sugar
1 t baking powder
1 c walnuts, chopped
1 c shredded coconut
1 t vanilla
Note: I doubled the recipe and used a 11 x 17 edged cookie sheet
Rub flour and butter to crumbs and pack tightly in buttered 10×10 pan. Bake in quick oven (400 degrees) until lightly coloured (about 12-15 minutes.) Beat the 2 eggs well, and mix in remaining ingredients; pour over first mixture. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) 40 minutes. Leave for 6 hours at least before cutting into small squares.
Kath’s quote: “From morning till night, sounds drift from the kitchen, most of them familiar and comforting….On days when warmth is the most important need of the human heart, the kitchen is the place you can find it; it dries the wet sock, it cools the hot little brain.”-E.B.White
I love recipes that bring us such good food memories Kath.