Middle Eastern Superfries
My husband and I just recently became empty-nesters. With this new season of our lives, I am taking a fresh look at our traditional family meals. French Fries have long been a part of my repertoire but I have come up against resistance in adorning them with anything more than salt and ketchup. Now that it is just the two of us, I have allowed myself to view julienned potatoes in a whole new light. This recipe is a spin on a Middle Eastern dish which originally called for roasted sweet potatoes and fresh figs.
I love using staples already in my cupboard and freezer and this modifrycation invites the shoestring potatoes to cradle sweet slivers of figs, sautéed green onions, red peppers and creamy chevre.
Middle Eastern Superfries
650 grams of McCain Shoestring Superfies
1 T canola oil
10 green onions cut into 1 ½ inch pieces
½ red pepper cut into thin strips
10 dried figs cut into strips
5 oz chevre cheese
Sea salt
- Prepare McCain Shoestring Superfries according to package directions.
- While these are baking, prepare the topping.
- Heat canola oil in a medium saucepan over high heat and add green onions and red pepper slivers.
- Sauté for a couple of minutes until wilted.
- Spoon veggies over the fries which should now be out of the oven.
- Dot with the fig strips and then spoonfuls of the chevre.
- Sprinkle with freshly ground sea salt to your liking.
These make a great side dish if entertaining or a light dinner for my husband and I. Although the kids might have rejected the complex and robust flavours, this is precisely how we love to eat.
Mealtime is made better by the Superfries® everyone loves! Made from specially selected potatoes, canola oil and sea salt, Superfries® transforms any meal by adding an element of fun. Enjoy McCain® Superfries® on their own or as a substitute to your favourite side dish. Spice things up tonight and try our Black Pepper and Lime MODIFRY™! Check out www.mccain.ca for recipe ideas!
Disclosure: This post was brought to you by McCain Foods Canada via Mode Media Canada Inc. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of McCain Foods Canada.
Check out No Ordinary Fries: Simple Ways to #Modifry™ Mealtime
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Josée Boucher
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