Daughter #1
I was reflecting that most of my posts seem to revolve around daughter #2 recently. This is true in that she was away for the past winter and I missed her fiercely. In addition, she is our last baby at home and so she is present for more meals than our other kids. It was just Mother’s Day so indulge me- I am about to go on and on about Daughter #1!
Her favourite foods are my recipes (of course) but because she lives close to Osborne and Corydon, she indulges in many offerings from the area. She loves Tomato Pie and baked eggs and prawn curry at Stella’s on Osborne.

Recently she fell head over heels for Segovia. When she was over for dinner on Sunday she described every item that they ate as well as beverages and decor details. She has agreed to be a guest blogger so stay tuned. Have you beat me to visit Segovia too?

Three cheers for daughter #1! What an amazing person – and we have the same sense of humour. Maybe that’s not a good thing – but we share some good laughs…