Elements Revisited
Ever wondered what the conversation centres around when three bloggers get together for lunch? Emma is a blogging friend that I have known in cyberspace since I first created this place in January 2010. At that time, she was an old-pro having ventured into the blogisphere a year prior. I was immediately drawn and inspired by Emma’s beautifully crafted Winnipegomyheart and not just because of the obvious unifying heart theme. I knew that J2 (Daughter #3) who is the Lady behind Baby Lady of the Prairies and Emma would hit it off immediately and I was correct. Both are expecting babies and J2 grew up in the same neighbourhood where Emma now resides. Conversation centred around the gorgeous elm-lined neighbourhoods of Winnipeg, how difficult it is to find a mid-wife here, the balancing act of family & work & money and not surprisingly -food!
I picked a spot that would be central for all of us and would not mind if we lingered in conversation for the afternoon. Elements-The Restaurant (599 Portage Ave.) is operated by Diversity Foods which was created by The University of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation and SEED Winnipeg. Chef Ben Kramer is one of their senior employees but in my mind the he runs the novel restaurant with the care and attitude as if he was the sole proprietor.
My daughters tell me wonderful tales of meals that they regularly enjoy at U of W. In fact, my youngest is so impressed by the quality and value, she finds that it is hard to justify packing a lunch to lug to school. I have enjoyed a number of school day lunches and a couple of private evening events at Elements. In every case, the food has been innovative and well-prepared.
On this weekend day, I mistakenly assumed that the restaurant would not be busy. But when we arrived there was a wonderful vibrant community feel, even though University classes were not in session. Our server was very busy and the kitchen must have been too, for she would keep us posted on the progress of our meals. We were so busy becoming acquainted with a new friend that we hardly noticed.
Our new friend started with a spicy tomato soup and then tucked into the Mushroom Almond Burger (without the bun) as she is eating gluten-free. She said that she should have asked whether or not the patties are made with bread crumbs. As I have known her for years in cyber-space but had never met her until this lunch date, I did feel comfortable to ask her for a taste. But, the almond patty sure looked delicious!
My daughter-in-law enjoyed Huevos from the weekend brunch menu. She is hooked on the Mexican Eggs from Stella’s and was hoping that this choice would satisfy her craving. She was well-pleased, but added that she would have loved a slice of avocado or guacamole with the dish.
I had been craving a burger too and opted to add the house-made back bacon as a topping. My lunch came with a soup as well. The savoury mixture was a combination of Creole pork and shrimp, with rice and a red wined enhanced stock. Our server had to check the exact ingredients with the chef when I inquired for details. She said that their daily soups change according to surplus ingredients in the kitchen. I make what I call refrigerator soup at home doing exactly the same thing and I appreciate a resourceful cook.
Kath’s quote: “The primary requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite.”-A. J. Liebling
Love-that is all.
I am so late to the party here!! Thanks for the wonderful lunch and including me in your write-up. Looking forward to another lunch down the road… perhaps with babies in tow? Take care!!
Emma- when exactly are you due? Yes-lunch again would be lovely. Didn’t you love the Localfare article?
[…] they were kind enough to include me alongside the lovely Kathryne Grisim of Food Musings (whom I recently met in person for the first time!) and Ben Benton of Savour Winnipeg. Check it out – the article […]