Gausthouse Gutenberg


We had visited Gausthouse Gutenberg once before when I was pregnant with our first child. She is now thirty years and I can’t quite believe that I had never been back. On this Sunday afternoon we did not know in advance that only a buffet lunch would be available but we were delighted as it provided us the opportunity to sample a number of authentic German recipes. German Master Chef Kurt Werner was in charge of the kitchen back when I first visited. Since then his apprentice Jereme Labelle has been passed the torch and the latter now owns the restaurant as well.

One this day we settled in and then made one trip up to the buffet table to ladle out a savoury curried mushroom suppen (soup) as our starter, clearly demonstrating that Chef Jereme’s repertoire stretches beyond German fare.



When it was time to return for our main course we had the choice of crispy schnitzel, a savoury pork roast, delectable meatballs, excellent handmade Bavarian bratwurst, perogies with fried bacon and spätzle, which is a homemade German egg noodle. All were delicious but unfortunately none were terribly hot. It was apparent that a couple of the items had been placed in the stainless steel inserts way earlier than our arrival. I would definitely recommend that you not wait until 1:30 in the afternoon to dine as we did.


German food is not typically considered “light fare” but I intentionally left room to visit the desert table. Apple strudel is one of my favourites and fruit platz (German coffee cake) is another, so it was very difficult to choose. The lovely thing about a buffet is that you do not have to decide on one and leave the other, so I am pleased to say that I got to sample both!

Gasthaus Gutenberger Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Kath’s quote: “….there are more different sausages in Germany than there are breakfast foods in America, and if there is a bad one among them then I have never heard of it. The run in size from little fellow so small and pale and fragile that it seems a crime to eat them to vast and formidable pieces that look like shells for heavy artillery. And they run in flavor from the most delicate to the most raucous, and in texture from that of feathers caught in a cobweb to that of linoleum, and in shape from straight cylinders to lovely kinks and curlycues.”-H.L. Mencken


Love never fails.


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