Nanny’s Diner
My last night of an almost month long stay in Thompson, I ventured out one more time to pick up more Jets paraphernalia at Giant Tiger. This was a serious find-NHL labeled Jets sweaters in a zip up or v neck style in classic white or navy blue. The first time I was there, I bought one for D for $15 and then when everyone back home saw them, I knew that I had to get more. Upon my return, they were marked down further to $10 and I ended up purchasing four of them to make all the guys in the family happy.
Have you ever seen the Expedia commercials where the guy falls arm pit deep into a snow bank? Well, this happened to me in my quest to get out shopping. I was cutting across a field to get to the sidewalk. The winter’s snow was covered with a thick layer of ice and then more snow. I could predict where the bank wouldn’t hold me and was hoping that my footing was secure when-wham, I thought that the Expedia gnome was going to have to rescue me.
Needless to say, I decided to take a cab back to the hotel but before I headed out, I decided to have a quick bit of supper first. I wandered into Nanny’s Diner and was immediately drawn to white board specials describing Newfie Fries and UPTOP Poutine (I would rename the latter-“Over the Top” Pouitne). As I settled in, I looked at all the photographs of their home province of Newfoundland. I have always wanted to go as I have a set of friends who have replanted themselves there as well as extended family who are from there. Some day.
In the mean time, the Pouitne arrived. When the helpful waitress asked me what I thought, I truthfully said “A fun taste but not something that I would want on a regular basis.” She replied: “Yes I know what you mean-maybe only once a week.” But I was thinking “Maybe once in my life time.”
The fries were perfect. The gravy, not too rich or salty. I do prefer the authentic cheese curd recipe but the shredded cheese was pleasantly sharp and plentiful. The “Newfie Stuffing” made for an interesting taste variation and the fried baloney and onions put the dish -over the top.
Nannys Diner serve a really eclectic list of offerings from samosas, wings, and deep-fried pickles to foot-long hot-dogs and homemade burgers. They only serve fish and chips on Fridays-cod of course.
Kaths quote: “I come from a home where gravy is a beverage.”-Erma Bombeck
This was so exciting to read! I’m Nanny better known as Donna Wilson and my mom just called me from Newfoundland and said she googled Nanny’s Diner and found this! The UPTOP is named after my grandfathers boat. We grew up hearing stories of the UPTOP and I wanted to name something after it and thought fries with everything up top. So happy you stopped in and if you’re ever here again please stop by and say hi. :)
Hey Donna. I love the UPTOP story. You obviously conmnect food and those that you love in the same manner that I do. I was really happy to “accidently” find your place by the white board by Giant Tiger. I have registered Nanny’s Diner with Trip Advisor and Urbanspoon and are just waiting for their approvals and then I can post my bit on both of their sites. Hopefully that will attract more traffic your way. I can’t think of when I’ll be in Thompson again but when I am, I’ll be sure to return. All the best.
Thank you so much!!!! I’ve posted your link on our Facebook too :)
You really made my day!!! Destinee your waitress remembers you too :)