Ruben’s, Isla Mujeres



Our breakfast visit to Ruben’s had been long anticipated. We had seen many Facebook posts about a great new restaurant that had opened since our last visit. All the accolades were warranted.


I loved the Heuvos Montuleños. The tomato sauce was so delicious with the breakfast rice. I also really enjoyed the plantain.


But it was the dish that D ordered that actually was the star of the show. I made the mistake of taking this photo before he had a chance to cut into it with his fork, because when he did there was a veritible explosion of shrimp inside. He offered me a bite and I wished that I could have switched our plates because the tender eggs, goey cheese and crunchy shrimp were sensational!


It was more than two weeks later when I had the opportunity to visit again. By this time D had returned home and I spent the morning with a friend from Winnipeg who now lives on Isla for a part of the year (at least I think that she is returning this year). My breakfast was SO good that I was hard-pressed to share it with her as I delighted in every single bite. I understood better, D’s hesitation to share his with me.


She had an omelet too and although she said that it was tasty enough, I couldn’t imagine that it compared to mine. We lingered that day so we could chat about the island and home as well. We agreed that we loved Rubens, loved Isla and loved Winnipeg.


The toast we ordered seemed to agree.

Kath’s quote: “Merlin’s beard, what is Xenophilius Lovegood wearing? He looks like an omelet.”-J.K. Rowling

Live simply, laugh often, love deeply.


4 Comments to

“Ruben’s, Isla Mujeres”

  1. Avatar September 30th, 2015 at 6:53 pm Charlene Says:

    I just found your blog! Fantastic. I am a fellow Winnipegger and Islaholic. Jealous you are there right now. Thanks for your blog!

  2. Avatar October 1st, 2015 at 7:36 am Kathryne Says:

    Charlene, We met on Isla as I arranged the meet up that you came to. We are not there right now, I am finally getting my posts done from February! We go again March 2016.

  3. Avatar October 1st, 2015 at 8:40 am Isla Mujeres Trip Report-Day 4 | Winnipeg food blog Says:

    […] we made our way into Centro and to Ruben’s for breakfast. See the blog post here for all of those […]

  4. Avatar October 2nd, 2015 at 11:25 pm Colleen Says:

    Try the divorced eggs… scrumptious!! Great coconut shrimp and frozen mojito too for lunch/dinner. Rueben is a very nice man, interesting to talk with!

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