Valentine’s Weekend

One of the first courses on our 2nd Honeymoon.
It is the time of year that we celebrate St. Valentine. I have learned that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. In the end Valentine died for love because when his illegal actions were discovered, he was put to death.
There are many kinds of love, even though the English language does not distinguish between them very well. In addition, Hallmark has morphed this love celebration into one of romantic love. In my life, I celebrate the many kinds of love…and its no surprize, I celebrate them with food!

Chicken Crepes at Bistro Dansk
Last night-I dined with my sisters and my Mom and celebrated “storge” which means “belonging”. My family loves me unconditionally and no matter what the circumstances-I belong.

Schnitzel, Sweet & Sour Cabbage and Pan Fried Potatoes at Bistro Dansk
I intend to repeat this celebration on Sunday night when we have a family dinner with my kids. Unconditional love is even fiercer when experienced as a parent. This dinner will be attended by my newly married son and his bride. Their “epithumia” love is apparent. It is the love of attraction.

Tonight, we join old friends (and I’m talking decades) for a dinner party. We will celebrate our long-standing friendship and “phile” meaning “cherishing”.
On Monday because it is a long weekend I will celebrate romance or “eros” with my husband. We haven’t yet decided if it will be with a supper at home or with a quick bite out.
And so that just leaves “agape” love-the act of selfless giving. I will challenge myself and all of you to shift our concentration on this Valentine’s weekend to this kind of love.

Love is Everywhere!
Well said! Love you sista.