Gifts of Love
Yesterday I spent the afternoon with a sleeping newborn girl on my chest and that may account for why I am feeling all warm and fuzzy today. She is the youngest Wee One and I am already particularly fond of her as her second name is in honour of me. She has peach fuzz on her head and the most beautiful pink skin-a perfect peach.
Mom, Dad and little sisters were with us this past long weekend at the lake. D and I are very close to the Wee Ones and the lakehouse is a very strong reason why. The girls love being there whether with or without their Mom and Dad. I guess that is why I was able to slip into their life so effortlessly this week, helping out while Dad stayed with Mom and baby in the hospital. (Boy things have changed since my babes were born).
J1 and J2 live in Wolseley, a nugget of streets with parks, schools, bike trails and the most neighbourly folks you would want to meet. They all new that Tuesday would be the baby’s birthday and they sent their families’ good wishes. There were neighbours who would walk the eldest Wee One to school and others who would have their nanny pick her up and feed her lunch if we were running late. Another neighbour offered up a dinner and so on and so on.
When I prepared a couple of J1 and J2’s favourite one pan dinners, I doubled the batches for a friend who has knee surgery coming up. As I drove around to drop off gifts of food, it occurred to me for the zillionth time that the preparation and sharing of food is an important love language, especially in my immediate circles.
And of course there is the most intimate gift of all. This new one naturally knowing just what to do as she found her Momma’s breast.
Kath’s quote: “A person cooking is a person giving. Even the simplest food is a gift”.- Laurie Colwin
The eldest Wee One on her first day on earth.
Love never fails.
Having been on the receiving end of your gifts of love on many, many occasions I cannot tell you what a blessing it is that you give us! I will never forget the day we brought Xavier home from the Pediatric ICU, feeling overwhelmed we looked at each other and said “what are we going to have for supper?” and literally 5 minutes later you were on our doorstep with a meal.
I hope that we never forget the practical ways in which we show love, thank you for helping to model that for so many of us! Xox