Food Musings

A Winnipeg blog about the joy of preparing food for loved ones and the shared joy that travel & dining brings to life.

Bertha’s Isla Mujeres



Bertha’s is owned by the same  family that has Rooster and is equally fine. When we started out we had a little difficulty being understood bu the Italian server.


Then Enrico came along and his English is exceptional and he made us feel right at home (even though we were the only table in the restaurant).


Sister # 2 chose camarone (shrimp) on seafood rice


and my bro-in-law a chicken with an unusual pasta presentation.


They shared a grill vegetable salad. D and I followed suit and we were delighted with the taste and presentation.


Another friend was gutsy and selected the whole octopus. He LOVED it!


We rarely order dessert at an Isla restaurant because the entrée portions are typically huge. But on this night, six of us shared an order of churros with dipping sauces which we all enjoyed immensely.

Kath’s quote: “With the exception of octopus, I don’t think I’ve met any food that I didn’t like. And by the way, sometimes I do like octopus. I’m just not crazy about it by itself. I love sea urchin. I love uni. If I’m going to die of anything, it’s going to be gluttony”. –Justin Timberlake

tenticle heart

Love never fails.