Food Musings

A Winnipeg blog about the joy of preparing food for loved ones and the shared joy that travel & dining brings to life.

The Wedding Feast-Perfection


The morning of a perfect wedding day.

This past Saturday was the wedding day of the eldest daughter of Brother #3. 


I do not mention this brother very often in this space, but this is not because he and his fabulous wife are not precious to me.  Kelly & Lorraine have raised two amazing girls: Kelsey, the bride and younger sister Kristen.  Both are exquisitely gorgeous in different ways and truly beautiful inside as well.  And we loved Kelsey’s choice of husband instantly, as Adam is as equally tender-hearted as she.

Lorraine looks more like Sister #3 than I do!

Kelsey works at Hair FX, where I go for my hair styling and so I got to partake in the early morning preparations for the day.  The female members of the wedding party were having their make up and up do’s taken care of, as well a little bit of sustenance to ensure that their day got off to a good start. 

I was honoured to provide Kelsey’s favourite Sausage Rolls  (the link for recipe is here for Michael, the owner of Hair FX) that I make every Christmas morning for our brunch together.

The church service too was perfection with Sister #3 and Daughter #1 beautifully contributing the readings for the couple. The Pastor and his wife are long-time friends of Sister #2 and this provided another intimate touch.  Later in the evening, he showed off his other god-given talents and joined in on the Boot Scootin Boogie!

My crazy, wonderful, beautiful family, including my 86 year old Mom-the only person missing is neice Danielle who lives in Australia.

At the conclusion of the service, family pictures were taken in the church, which is no easy feet with our gang.  But this too was perfectly executed for the photographer and her husband are also family friends of ours.  They patiently lined us up, so no face would be obstructed, and knew each of the thirty-five family members by name!   

Our J2 with the youngest member of the family-1 month old Serena.

The seventh floor of the Fort Garry Hotel is perfection itself and was the ideal setting for our magical evening. 

We are a family who shares every joy and every sorrow together.  Kelsey put together a beautiful memorial table to remember all of her family members who were celebrating the wedding feast in heaven.

The earthly feast included: a delicate mushroom soup

a sensational pear and candied sunflower seed salad

stuffed chicken

and chocolate raspberry cheesecake.

Everyone was anxious to get out on the dance floor and the party continued late into the night. 

We certainly are a family who knows how to have fun together.  Life is good. 

Kaths quote:  Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.-St. Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians

Love-that is all.