Food Musings

A Winnipeg blog about the joy of preparing food for loved ones and the shared joy that travel & dining brings to life.

Last Minute Lunch-Terrace in the Park


I have an exciting life-one that is full of treats and surprizes.  But it does take some spontaneity and flexibility on my part.  Case in point: one morning I got an email from a friend asking me if I could make it to lunch that day.  The restaurant that she does some promotional work for, required “bodies” for a TV program entitled “Meagan’s Menu”.  Alas, I wasn’t free as I had a baby-sitting date with the “Wee One”.  Moments later J2 texted me to say that her client had to cancel and therefore my grandma time was not required.  Although I was disappointed about not spending time with my grandbaby, I glanced at my watch, delighted that I could now enjoy the lunch opportunity.  Luckily, Assiniboine Park where the gorgeous locale of “Terrace in the Park” is located, is only minutes away from our home.


I tucked into the Edaname Salad and decided to take a taste so that I would have room for the rest of the courses that I knew where on their way but I could simply not resist and ate almost every bite.  I love the taste of edname beans all by themselves so to be enhanced with red pepper, cucumber, wakame (seaweed) and a citrus dressing was all a bonus.  But best of all was the was the complement of plenty of fresh cilantro making every taste simply sparkle.


My favourite flavours of lime and cilantro were continued in the salmon dish.  Some people like to switch up flavours between courses but when I like something, I cannot get enough of it.  Besides, the manner in which the panko-crusted salmon mingled with the herb and citrus flavours were completely different than with the beans.  But I could truly only manage one taste of the ample fish, rapini and baby potatoes.  I had the rest boxed up and shared it with D for supper.  The nifty and pretty yellow package was a lemon wrapped in cheesecloth so that no seeds escaped onto the fish whilst enjoying the juice.


I rarely am tempted by dessert but I simply could not resist the sounds of this one- a cheesecake not incorporating cream cheese but chevre goat cheese!  Each taste was rich and immensely satisfying and I was hard-pressed to ask to have it boxed up as well.  The flecks of nutmeg and the sour cherry compote were delectable enhancements.


Although the day was gloomy, the naturally lit solarium was bright and fresh.  Through the window next to my table, I could see that they were setting up for a ceremony of some kind.  What a heavenly setting!

Terrace in the Park on Urbanspoon

Kath’s quote: “Oh, the pleasure of eating my dinner alone!”-Charles Lamb


Love-that is all.

Easter Lunch At Terrace in the Park


Our Mom has had a tough go of it this winter.  She is waiting out her time for a place at a nursing home, at the Misrecordia Hospital.  Earlier this winter there was a respiratory infection that spread through the ward so they had to put the residents under quarantine to protect any further people in the hospital becoming sick.  The ward is old and Mom’s room is very small and even though friends gather together in the hallways to visit, Mom can’t hear very well and the echoey hallway does not promote a great conversation.  So, as you can imagine she was getting pretty antsy by the time the limitations were lifted, just before Easter.  Mom was supposed to go to Deer Lodge to have some dental work done and when her appointment was postponed, she was so disappointed.  When Sister #3 sympathized with her and said: “I know Mom, it must be frustrating to not be able to get your teeth worked on”.  Mom, replied: “No, my mouth isn’t bothering me, I was just looking forward to getting out of here.”

Sister #3 decided that it was time to make arrangements for an outing.  For as long as we can remember, visiting the flower conservatory at Assiniboine Park has been one of our family Easter traditions.  Sister #3 did some research to ensure that there would be something on the menu at Terrace in the Park for Mom to eat with her dental issues.  The plans were set into motion and I met the wheelchair van at the front of the Pavilion.  We had some time to spare before our reservation, so we took the elevator up to see the Winnie the Pooh Gallery and other enjoyable exhibits.


The day was cold, gray and drizzly but we were cheered by our lovely round table waiting for us.


We were hungry and dived into the bread basket.  This was how the piped butter was presented.  With such attention to detail, we were assured that our lunch would be lovely.


We thought that Mom should be able to tackle the Crab and Pea Risotto.  She found it a little bland and asked for the salt shaker which is quite common with Mom.  But she was absolutely right-when the seasonings of the dish were corrected with a bit of salt, it was rich, creamy and satisfying.  I personally don’t “get” risotto.  I am not sure that all the effort of the constant stirring and adding small amounts of liquid and cheese is worth the pay off.  But, who am I to say?  Others don’t “get” my constant yearning for the perfect French fry; Sister #3 for one.


Sister #3 selected the Beef Tenderloin that was crowned with baby gherkin pickles.  The accompanying fettuccine was particularly buttery and delicious and Mom had a couple of satisfying bites.


The hit of the day was the Pickerel Po Boy.  Haven been to New Orleans and feasted on traditional po boys, I am not exactly sure why this sandwich would be so named.  Authentic po boys are a Lousiana version of a sub sandwich with battered and fried shrimp, oysters, soft-shelled crab or crawfish, placed on a baquette-like New Orleans French bread and usually dressed with lettuce, tomato, pickles and mayonnaise.  The Terrace’s fried fish seemed to be the only detail connecting it to a po boy.  This is in the small points department, because although the taste wasn’t authentic, it was none the less, absolutely terrific.  The fish was perfectly prepared, the grilled bread added a salty feature and the slaw provided crunch.  The fries, by the way were equally delicious.  We shared tastes from our three plates amongst us, so everyone was satiated.

Terrace in the Park on Urbanspoon


The short trek over to the Conservatory was surprisingly brisk for Mom.  We realized later that she hadn’t really been outside for months.  During times like these, you can forget what a chilly wind feels like on your ears.  The journey was worth the trouble, for the flowers were magnificent and we all loved to see the bright dashes of spring colours.


These soft and fluffy flowers were actually tulips, the likes of which we had not seen before.  The afternoon had to draw to a close as Mom was getting sleepy and tired from being in her chair all day. Sister #3 had planned a lovely afternoon.  One that we intend to repeat sometime soon.

Kath’s quote: “Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June.”-Al Bernstein


Love-that is all.


Terrace in the Park


I have been assigned the task of declaring the most romantic restaurant in Winnipeg in anticipation of Valentine’s Day.  So let me start by sharing with you the most romantic thing that has ever happened to me: 

In celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary, D and I traveled to the Mediterranean.  We started in a village in Sicily and sojourned by train up the west coast of Italy and stayed in Prariano on the Amalfi Coast, Cinque Terre, Nice and then Paris.  D arranged that with every hotel stay, there were bouquets of my favourite flowers waiting for us in our room; we shared bites of perfect food and sips of amazing wines and saw the most breath-taking scenery.  And yet, travel can be stressful as was the case for one leg of our journey.

We had to catch a 6 am bus to Sorrento but were anxious that we would not get our wake up call as it had been the first time on vacation that we had to rely on one, so we had both been awake since 4:17 am.  It was a good thing, because we never did get the call.  In addition, the espresso machine had not been fired up for the day at our hotel, so we were caffeineless.  Our bus was jammed with school-aged kids who created a deafening din so we were relieved to transfer to a train for our next connection in Naples.  Both D and I had been to Naples before but for D it had not been a positive experience and train stations are not necessarily in the best part of town.  The Naples station was huge and confusing.  We were very stressed and this was made worse by a very angry Italian “gentleman” who claimed that we were sitting in his train seats.  After that was resolved the time to Rome passed uneventfully.  But then when we switched trains again to take us to Spezia someone else claimed that we were in their seats.  This man was more handsome and less angry than the first, but it was disconcerting, none the less.  We had an hour wait in Spezia and decided to perch ourselves and our luggage on an outside platform to get from fresh air. We took turns sitting with the luggage and freshening up in the washroom and stretching our legs.  When we boarded for the last train ride of the day, we realised that the piece of luggage that contained all of our souvenir shopping from the trip had been snatched from the platform!  I was devastated, not only because we had spent precious money selecting particular gifts for our family but because both D and I had splurged and purchased Italian linens to wear at an anniversary party that was being thrown for us upon on return.  Once we arrived in Riomaggiore, I had no idea that our apartment would be an almost vertical climb up the side of a mountain.  By this time, we were exhausted and hungry and I for one was in no mood to have my heart stopped by a cardio work out, so we waited for a shuttle.  Twenty minutes later we were being shown around our home for the next few days only to find that there was no AC and because the breeze was blocked by the mountain, absolutely no movement of air.  I had had it!  I was a mess.  I sobbed and threw myself such a pity party, I am embarrassed to admit it, even now.  And then this amazing thing happened.  Doug eye-balled the size of our terrace, went inside and pulled the mattress off the bed, bedding and all.  He dragged it outside and after an amazing dinner in town, we slept under the stars that night.  I not only cooled off sufficiently but heard the most amazing sounds of birds singing in the morning, bells chiming and the village below us, coming alive.  It was so romantic to watch the sun come up over the mountain and see the sparkling sea below us. 

So when the romance bar is being set, mine is very high indeed which makes selecting a place for  Valentine’s Day dinner a difficult task.  Terrace in the Park is located in a glass atrium which has been built onto the side of the historic Pavillion of Assiniboine Park.  D and I had the pleasure of being invited to their opening but have not yet enjoyed dinner. 

The samplings on that preview night were a delight, starting with San Francisco Cioppino,

Albacore Tuna Tacos,

Steamed Pacific Snow Crab Legs,

Flights of Oysters,

Scallop Ceviche,

and what turned out to be be favourite of the evening: Smoked Pike Rillettes.

We were not surprised that the seafood that preview evening was stellar as we have heard only great things about Chef Simon Resch.  He studied at the Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts and then under the tutelage of Chefs Julian Bond and Rob Clark before returning to Winnipeg and the Beaujolais and Amici Restaurants.  Old Montreal lured him away and then an opportunity to work on the French Rivera (we must have travelled through his community on our Mediteranean train ride).  But Winnipeg was able to attract him back with positions at the Inn at the Forks and the Niakwa Golf and Country Club.  He joined WOW! Hospitality to work alongside Chef Mike Dacquisto before his final move to Terrace in the Park.

And so Valentine’s Day awaits and I will celebrate with the love of my life in the best way we know how-in a beautiful place, supping on exquisitely prepared food with perhaps a glass or two of a fine beverage.

Terrace in the Park on Urbanspoon

Kath’s quote:  “Most seafoods…should be simply threatened with heat and then celebrated with joy.” –Jeff Smith 


 Love-that is all.