Culinary Kids


I am convinced that  my love of preparing food for others (and as a love offering) was instilled in me at an early age.  My Mom was very wise and knew that if she made the process fun and not a responsibility, she could encourage our help.  There were six of us kids, only one working parent and my Mom made everything from scratch. 

She would always leave a heel of pie crust so we could make our own mini pies filled with jam and wedges of bread dough so that we could fashion our own version of her amazing cinnamon buns.  Her cabbage rolls and perogies were legendary and I recall the afternoons when Sister #2, Brother #3 (twins 3 years younger than I) were perched up at the kitchen table to help her roll, stuff and pinch.

I still recall the day when I prepared an entire dinner for the family and a business associate that my Dad was bringing home for dinner.  I do not remember all of the ingredients but I do know that that the main course was meatballs in a mushroom sauce and buttered noodles.  I am quite sure that I was eight as that was the year that Sister #3 was born.

Cooking with kids is brilliant for so many reasons: 

it teaches order, process, measurement, fractions and other math concepts

it teaches basic scientific interactions between ingredients and cause and effect concepts 

it teaches about good nutrition, vitamins, fibre and the healthy living benefits of anti-oxidants

it teaches about the importance of purchasing local and the planting and harvesting cycle

it teaches how to create grocery lists and budget and read a recipe (the only recipe book that I recall in our home was Madame Benoit’s)

I could go on and on but most importantly:

it teaches that food made with care and attention is an offering and a gift to show those you love, that they are precious and important to you

Kath’s quote: “C is for Cookie, that’s good enough for me.”-Cookie Monster

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One Comment to

“Culinary Kids”

  1. Avatar November 22nd, 2011 at 11:17 am Sister #3 Says:

    Cutest cooks EVER!

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