Life Changing Moments
One day last winter, a friend sent me a link about a recipe contest that she thought that I should enter as the prize was a ticket to a food bloggers conference in Washington DC entitled Eat, Write, Retreat. Well, I was one of two winners of the contest and found myself booked into a gorgeous Washington Hotel with my roomie, a successful blogger in her own right, from Montreal.
This occurred last April and although the high from the time of being surrounded by some of the US’s most successful food bloggers has normalized, there were moments that changed my writing/blogging life and because I am my own brand, have changed my life. Do you follow this train of thought?
A group of professionals were assembled (in cyber-space, I presume) to critique our blogs and I acted upon every suggestion that they provided and have been very happy with the results (especially with the quality of my photographs). If you have been a long time follower of mine, perhaps you agree. This face lift and the message from one of our guest speakers about focusing our passion into our blog, have inspired me afresh about my product and gave me the courage to approach some unexplored arenas.
In addition, soon after I arrived home, I was notified by Uptown Magazine that I had one Winnipeg’s Favourite Blog. This was quite an honour as Winnipeg boosts a bevy of talented bloggers. For me the thrill was that it was not just that I was a favourite “foodie” blogger but a favourite full-on blogger!
As a result of both circumstances, I am now a regular columnist for Winnipeg’s community newspapers. This in itself has been a treat as I can see the appreciation from the small restauranteurs and their families when I return to visit them after a piece has been published. Smiles, hugs and gratitude is my reward-let alone the additional exposure!
I also had the confidence to explore a brand new experience and have been taking on projects with national companies for food-styling work. This has put me in touch with some talented chefs and familiar brands and although I had no idea what hard work food-styling was, it is also immensely satisfying.
Fast forward to today. I am off to Toronto in the morning to attend another conference. This one is entitled She’s Connected and I am attending on behalf of Canada Beef because since this whirl wind all began I have also become a Canadian Beef Ambassador! By coincidence (?) that is also who sent me to Washington. At this weekend’s conference I will be attending with the other Canadian Beef Ambassadors as well as gal pals from the Manitoba Canola Growers and Winnipeg friends like Marlo Broux who started Girl Talk Radio.
As well as learning specific skills to take my blog to another new level from speakers like the former editor of Cosmo and my Canadian hero Amanda Lang, I am looking forward to meeting new female friends who are recreating their lives in this exciting digital world. And so Heather Travis, I can’t wait to meet you in person. You may not have known this last spring, but you have changed my life!
Kath’s quote: “Life is so brief that we should not glance either too far backwards or forwards…therefore study how to fix our happiness in our glass and in our plate.”-Grimod de la Reynière
Love-that is all.
How inspiring! Thanks for the shout out and I very much look forward to seeing you this weekend in TO. She’s Connected is going to be fantastic!
Be Well…Jenn
Fabulous opportunities for you and such an exciting year. I am vey happy to hear how we’ll things are going. Have a blast!