Setting a Special Table


For those of you who faithfully read my blog on a daily basis, I apologize that this is not a typical day for me.  I do have a post half written that I could have spent my time touching up and publishing but I needed to spend this morning differently.

You see, I must leave shortly for a “Celebration of Life” service which is a name that I like far better than funeral.  She was a “lake” friend of mine.  One of the many special friends that I spend time with in the summer-mostly in snatches when we great each other on the path to the beach or sometimes for impromptu coffees or dinners.  The last time I dined with Barb was when she hosted us after we planted a memorial tree for my brother. 

I have to leave shortly but spent my time instead setting the table for a dinner party that I am hosting tommorrow.  We are saying good by to a dear friend of ours who is “retiring” to England.  We will be joined by other special friends including our dear ones who live in Castle del mare del Golfo in Sicily.  All the people assembled will have visited them there at one time or another.

And so I have put out special lace place mats, a gift from Sister #3’s friend from China.  I have set out my best (relatively unstained) linen, huge goblets and my very best china.  Iwas gifted this a year ago by Sister #2 and have only used them once.  As I set the table, I asked myself, why?  Why did Barb have to die but also, why don’t we always celebrate our life by putting out our best china?  Every day is sweet and every day may be our last.  Barb did not know this as she got into her car after babysitting her grandchildren.

Make it a good day.  I really mean this.  Hug a stranger, tell someone dear that you love them.  Laugh for no real reason.


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4 Comments to

“Setting a Special Table”

  1. Avatar January 24th, 2012 at 5:48 pm Jennifer, Chicago IL Says:

    Very touching entry…I’m sorry for the loss…you are right though, everyday is one we should cherish.

  2. Avatar January 24th, 2012 at 7:04 pm Kathryne Says:

    Thank you Jennifer. Cyber space is amazing-I am comforted by people that I do not even know.

  3. Avatar January 26th, 2012 at 9:24 am Pam Says:

    After experiencing a series of losses, my sister and I have developed a creed….splurge on high threadcount sheets for yourself, set a lovely table with the good dishes and stemware all the time, use the beautiful stationery you have, and burn/use the decorative candles!! Life is indeed short.

  4. Avatar January 26th, 2012 at 9:31 am Kathryne Says:

    Thank you Pam-very wise advice indeed. It is presently the morning after that dinner party. Our guest of honour noticed the china as soon as he took his seat. When he inquired (because he dines with us often and did not recognise the pieces), I told him that it had never been used but I wanted him to know how special he was to us. He was very touched. We had so much fun figuring out which would be an ideal plate and fork for all of our courses. So even though the table was set in a formal fashion, the laughs, jokes and kidding around felt like we could have been anywhere together-even a patio in Sicily overlooking the sea.

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