Trip Report Isla Mujeres 2024-Day One

My first sleep in a new bed was amazing and that never happens! I left the drapes open because I only see walls from the apartment anyway. That way, as soon as I realize that the early morning light is changing, I am awake to catch the sunrise. I put my jean jacket on right over my pjs, grab a cup of coffee and I am out the door for my half a block walk to the malecon. I see so many familiar faces. Yes I am home!

The sunrise is spectacular but I do not linger as I am meeting the rest of my family at a new restaurant on Hidalgo for brunch. It is called the Raw Bar but has since been renamed to El Mexicana.

Here is the Restaurant Feature I wrote about it.

After brunch, Sue walked me to a TelCel store to buy a Mexican Sim Card for my phone. I was happy to have it but never actually used any of the data during my month long stay. Oh well, the $15 investment for peace of mind was worth it. I also stopped in at the Super Aki for milk for my coffee and another couple of must haves while on the island: lime mayo, cucumber and cilantro to make my favourite sandwich. But with leftovers for a mid afternoon snack, I didn’t need them anyway.

Although it sounds crazy, I spent the rest of the day in my little apartment. I strung up my new hammock and got back into my fabulous book. I had a malignant sore on my back removed since my last trip to a sunny destination so I didn’t want to rush my exposure in the sun. That was a great excuse to while away the afternoon in my hammock.

Later that day I joined old acquaintances downstairs at what we call the “compound” for Happy Hour and then one of them accompanied to dinner. There were three other solo women as well as a couple, (all of whom I had met previously) also staying in the apartment units. This was the primary reason that D was okay with my going to the island alone, because I wasn’t alone at all!

But first, we detoured to North beach to see the sunset.

That evening, we tried a brand new restaurant (new since the previous year), that was fantastic! It was called The Point (Punto Norte). See that Restaurant Feature here.
I always try to write a feature while it is still fresh in my head and spent the time until bed, writing. Three fabulous restaurants in three days! Yes, Isla is still an amazing food destination.
Kath’s quote: “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.”– Luciano Pavarotti

Love never fails.