BC Trip Report-Cowichan to Victoria

The day commenced with D at yet another remote work station.
I busied myself with laundry and leaving the house exactly as we found it (the Golden Rule when you are a Home Exchanger).

Then enjoyed the sun until it was time to head back to Victoria.

Once again, the journey was as wonderful as the destination.

We had lost count of the number of different beds that we had slept in. Oohh, poor us….

The weather had turned and was cool and rainy for the first couple of days of our stay. When the weather improved, we went on a whirlwind tour of Victoria. Either way, we never got to sit on their cozy outdoor space.

Do you remember my saying that everywhere I go, I find a favourite seat to perch in with my coffee, reading or journaling. The chaise lounge in the upper corner of this room became “my” place.

Even though the kitchen was beautifully equipped, we decided to order in that evening. What I really mean to say is….we decided what we had a yearning for and then D went out on foot to make that happen. Did I mention that there was a Craft Brewery that he was aware of in the vicinity?

We researched where you could find Victoria’s best fish and chips. We were thrown off by Trip Advisor and D ordered at Red Fish Blue Fish instead of heeding a friend’s advice and checking out Barb’s. Deemed “the best fish and chips in Victoria for 40 years”, how could we have been swayed? Red Fish Blue Fish’s were good but I prefer fish and chips with pickerel that I can have at the lake, much, MUCH more!
We discovered that their entertainment choices included Apple, so we cozied up for a Slow Horses marathon. That came very close to what we would have done had we been home. And that is the way we like to travel.
Kath’s quote: “No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old familiar pillow.”-unknown

Love never fails.