Food Musings

A Winnipeg blog about the joy of preparing food for loved ones and the shared joy that travel & dining brings to life.

Isla Mujeres 2019 Trip Report-Day 3 & 4


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D tried to connect with another D for tennis but ex pats had claimed the courts (even if they don’t show up) Mon, Wed and Friday from 9-12. Who wants to play in the hot afternoon? My D was miffed and very disappointed. While he was away, I did some writing.

It turned out to be a very lazy day for me, reading and napping in the lawn chair and hammock. D finished his first book.

D and I enjoyed our own Happy Hour and then walked to Green Verde for dinner (read more about it in this link).

Afterwards we hopped into a cab and joined the gang to meet more family at the ferry-more “D”s all the way from Australia! We all headed to Asia Caribe for drinks and D and D badly needed some food. We were home for a wine night- cap, under the stars.

The next morning we slept in as there was no sunrise. D went off to try to play tennis again after yesterday’s plans were stifled by locals reserving the court. I had a bit of sun the day prior so I laid low that day.

When D returned we both were very lazy until we ventured to La Joya to visit D and V. It was so beautiful there except that the management wouldn’t let D serve us the wine that we brought. That was a disappointment and kind of miffed us all.


We took a taxi straight to El Patio where we enjoyed an excellent dinner after which Boo and the Frenchman joined us for drinks. We met members of our entourage at Nash’s for the Jets game. We were able to hail down our PEI friends who we missed seeing the evening of our arrival.

We visited more family at Xontolo and then I came home in a cab to read in bed and D stayed with them for more drinks.

Kath’s quote: “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.”-Jane Howard



Love never fails.


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