Cooking up a Storm-Part 2
I mentioned in part 1 that all the dishes were already on the site with one exception, this one: Classy Chicken. This recipe is showing its age by its name and its inclusion of a can of cream of chicken soup. In the 80’s when fast food was not quite as plentiful as today, food was made more quickly in our homes by the inclusion of short cuts like a “Cream of…” soup.
Now a day, my time in the kitchen is more leisurely, in addition to a common concern to reduce processed foods in our diet. So the soup in this recipe can be replaced with the following: Melt 1 T of butter and whisk in 3 t of flour. Stir constantly for 30+ seconds until the flour has had a chance to cook (but not brown). Whisk in ½ c of chicken stock and ½ c milk. Increase to a comfortable high heat and continue to stir constantly until the sauce is thick.
Classy Chicken
3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
¼ t freshly ground pepper
Olive oil for sautéing
Approximately ½ lb. fresh asparagus or broccoli (frozen broccoli will suffice)
1 can of “Cream of” or substitution
½ c mayonnaise
1 t curry powder
1 t lemon juice
1 c grated cheddar
Cut chicken into cubes and sprinkle with pepper. Sauté slowly in olive oil over medium heat until white and opaque about 5 minutes, drain. Cook or defrost veggie until tender crisp. Drain and arrange in the bottom of a buttered casserole. Mix soup (sauce), mayo, curry and lemon juice together, add chicken and then pour over veggie. Sprinkle cheddar cheese on top and bake uncovered at 35 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Serve with a noodle or rice pilaf. Serves 4.
Kath’s quote: No one who cooks, cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past, the advice and menus of cooks present, the wisdom of cookbook writers.”-Laurie Colwin