Food Musings

A Winnipeg blog about the joy of preparing food for loved ones and the shared joy that travel & dining brings to life.

La Lomita 2017


sisters arrive

La Lomita is the very first restaurant that I ate at when I first arrived with my sisters in 2005. From that first day, the quirky place with the authentic Mexican food wins our heart over and over again.


So much so, that when we had one evening for our immediate family to have dinner together, we chose La Lomita. Please excuse the camera hog in the forefront of the photo.


We have so many favourites on their menu but especially the Chilies Relleno.


We have even found an authentic recipe for the rellenos so we can enjoy the chillies at home.


We love the authentic earthenware that all their fare is served upon. Being a beer loving family (J1 has studied to be a Brew Master) we really appreciate the clay tumblers like the one pictured are kept in the freezer to serve their beer in. The beer arrives at a lovely frosty temperature. We have even commissioned a potter at home in Winnipeg to replica the experience for us.


The sopa de lima with chicken has always satisfied and now we have turned a whole new generation onto the tastes, namely our granddaughters.


La Lomita’s shrimp ceviche tastes sparkling fresh and stands up to other ceviches on the island at double the price.


The garlic fish is another favourite. The portion was plentiful and perfectly cooked.

Kath’s quote: “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy”. Benjamin Franklin


Love never fails.

Cafe Cito 2017



Café Cito has long been on our restaurant “must visit” list.


From its cheerful corner exterior and the lovely beach touches within, we love everything about it.


This was where we first met Ziggy and we were delighted to have him as our server again this year.


We were a group of four and D and Daughter #1 had the same Mexican breakfast in mind.


Another friend loved her omelet.


I turned out to be the “radical” one choosing a torta instead.


We appreciated our mini fruit cups to start and Daughter #1 also enjoyed her strawberry slushy.

But let’s face it…we were all there for one thing: the banana coconut jam on toast!

Kath’s quote: “The cyclone ends. The sun returns; the lofty coconut trees lift up their plumes again; man does likewise. The great anguish is over; joy has returned; the sea smiles like a child”.-Paul Gauguin


Love never fails.



Rooster 2017



When we first started going to Rooster, I was sure that the slick operation must have been a restaurant chain. Over the years, we have come to enjoy their consistent food and service and with the exception of one experience (the morning of New Year’s Day-not a great time to dine on the island), we have been very pleased. I have yet to enjoy “Roster on the Go” which I intend on visiting and we have had the pleasure of dining at their big sister restaurant-“Bertha’s” but I will tell that story in another post.



This particular morning was the day of the wedding that we had come to the island to attend. I had hoped to have a small and healthy breakfast so I could fit into my dress for the wedding. Little did I know that ordering the Italian Bagel would be a substantial breakfast indeed. The artisan bagel was loaded with two eggs, Italian sausage and cheese. The hash browns that accompanied put my breakfast over the top. So much for eating light…..



D, the Frenchman and Daughter #1 chose all chose Benedicts but there were so many on the menu and I don’t specifically recall which ones. Can you identify them?

The kitchen does sometimes get backed up and we did wait for a bit before it was our turn to eat but it was so delicious and the severs were so apologetic that we didn’t mind in the least.

Kath’s quote: “I remember, as a kid, I’d follow the rooster and the chickens and watch what type of grass they’d eat. And me and my friends would eat that grass, like that was our lunch.”-Adam Beach


Love never fails.


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Canola Connect Community Summit 2017


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I am blessed to be a part of a special community. Canola Alumni events take place on a regular basis so that the community can reconnect and share our passion for food and the farmers and scientists that are supporting the effort of producing a nutritious product for our families.  If you think that listening to futurists, sustainability excerpts and policy writers is boring, think again! The presentations were dynamic and they were interspersed with delicious food samplings and (new this year) progressive craft making sessions.  All this along with a mindfulness session and team-building drumming opportunity!


This was our mid-morning snack as we commenced our first crafting session.

What I appreciate the most about attneding a Canola Connect event is having the opportunity to speak directly to Manitoba’s farmers. They answer my questions carefully but with passion. I met Pat and Paul Orsak a number of years ago when I visited their farm with Canola Camp. Paul spoke again at the recent Canola Community Summit. He got me thinking….


Inventory for our crafts.


Lunch of raw vegetable salads and tuna bowls with rice or spiraled zucchini.

I was reminded that organic standards leading to certified organic are NOT about nutritional value, food safety, or end use quality. Organic standards are about production methods and marketing. The setting of those standards is led and designed by the organic industry itself NOT by independent health regulators or science based third parties. Does this seem reasonable?


Our afternoon snack of parsnip, carrot, beet and lotus chips with sweet potato hummus.


Bruschetta made from three cold-pressed canola oils: Prairie Sky, Northern Lights and Heartland-all delicious in their distinct ways.

Innovations in plant genetics and precision farming practices ensures that land use is optimized. Natural wilderness areas can be preserved. Harmful tillage can be avoided, reducing the amount of silt going into rivers and streams. We should all be for this, shouldn’t we?


Meat + Bread appetizers.


Three salads for our salad course.


Chicken with a fruit sauce and a savouring potato patty.

So if farmers want to produce the same amount of food organically, where are they going to get the extra land? Should farmers choose a production method that would require using more land? What do we think about deforestation? Clearing wilderness?


The gang called these snowmen, I didn’t sample them…two desserts was enough!

Do we want to knowingly and willingly price food out of reach of some consumers? Are we concerned about food prices for those less privileged here at home, or for those who live in the third world?


A cream puff filled with a chunky chocolate.

Can the global agriculture and food industry afford not to use all the tools in the tool box while still trying to feed a growing world population?


Lemon Meringue Tarts

Farmers like Paul want to be sustainable. They  want to leave a legacy. They don’t want to squander the land resource they’ve been entrusted with and they want to leave the land in better condition than they got it. The farmers I have met through Canola Connect want to produce food that is affordable, safe, and abundant.

A couple of weeks later I am still rolling these questions over in my mind. The thing is, I know Paul, I know his wife, I know his daughter. I make decisions with my heart (that is pretty obvious if you spend any time on my blog space) and I know that Paul wants what is best for his family and ultimately for us all. Do I trust what I read on line? Do I trust the scare tactics that are promoted by extremists? Or do I trust Paul to make the best choices for his family and the world? I think that you know my answer to this…


I was so proud that the beer poured that evening was son J1’s 1919 from Little Brown Jug.

Kath’s quote: “I love food. Farmers love food. I love farmers“. -Me


Love never fails.


East India Company Winnipeg


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Thirty years ago, prior to my marriage, I lived downtown in the Holiday Towers. Often times on a warm evening while I sat out on my balcony, I would get a beautiful waft of mellow spices. The East India Company (349 York Ave.) was responsible for the exotic aromas. Recently I stayed next door to my old apartment for a conference/retreat and followed my nose back to the East India Company.

east india2

The restaurant is narrow but deep and I was surprised when I went to the buffet just how many people were there for lunch. I would imagine the convenience of grabbing a quick and easy meal was what attracted them as well. I had a small window for lunch and so not having to wait to have my order taken or the food prepared meant that I was eating within five minutes of arrival.

I do not profess to have an expansive knowledge of Indian food so I made very sure of noting the name of every dish that I was tempted to sample. But, by the time I had eaten, walked back to the hotel and wrote everything down, I had a few memory gaps.

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I do know that I selected a Pakora (a cauliflower & potato packet) and enjoyed the unusual taste more than the vegetable Samosa. I also loved the bright green Palak Paneer: a creamed spinach made gooey with homemade cheese; so too, the Bhurta of smashed eggplant and peas. I appreciated their roasted chicken which had a pink flesh from the permeation of spices. My favourite of this and most Indian dinners was the butter chicken (Murgh Makhan), wondering how they manage to retain the tenderness without the dish tasting stewed.

The East India Company makes eating vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free very easy indeed and is likely another reason why the restaurant is so popular. The operation was overseen by a handsome gentlemen in a white suit, whom I suspected was the owner. He was too busy that day for me to inquire.

East India Company has dine in, take out and catering menus available. They are open on weekdays from 11am -3:30 pm and 4:30-10 pm. On Saturday they are open from 5-10 pm and on Sundays from 12-3 pm and 5-9 pm. They are wheelchair accessible via the north door of the restaurant.

Watch for Food Musings every second Wednesday in your copy of The Headliner, The Herald, The Lance, The Metro, The Sou’wester and The Times.

East India Company Pub & Eatery Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Kath’s quote: “Don’t go and cook Indian food if you never cooked Indian food, you know?”-Wolfgang Puck


Love never fails.




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