La Lomita 2017


sisters arrive

La Lomita is the very first restaurant that I ate at when I first arrived with my sisters in 2005. From that first day, the quirky place with the authentic Mexican food wins our heart over and over again.


So much so, that when we had one evening for our immediate family to have dinner together, we chose La Lomita. Please excuse the camera hog in the forefront of the photo.


We have so many favourites on their menu but especially the Chilies Relleno.


We have even found an authentic recipe for the rellenos so we can enjoy the chillies at home.


We love the authentic earthenware that all their fare is served upon. Being a beer loving family (J1 has studied to be a Brew Master) we really appreciate the clay tumblers like the one pictured are kept in the freezer to serve their beer in. The beer arrives at a lovely frosty temperature. We have even commissioned a potter at home in Winnipeg to replica the experience for us.


The sopa de lima with chicken has always satisfied and now we have turned a whole new generation onto the tastes, namely our granddaughters.


La Lomita’s shrimp ceviche tastes sparkling fresh and stands up to other ceviches on the island at double the price.


The garlic fish is another favourite. The portion was plentiful and perfectly cooked.

Kath’s quote: “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy”. Benjamin Franklin


Love never fails.

3 Comments to

“La Lomita 2017”

  1. Avatar September 12th, 2017 at 1:24 pm Isla Mujeres 2017-Trip Report Day 5 - Food Musings | Winnipeg food blog Says:

    […] went out for an early dinner with the family at La Lomita’s. (click this link to read all about […]

  2. Avatar April 15th, 2018 at 9:01 pm Grace Zubkow Says:

    Poured a glass of wine while dinner was cooking and thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog from start to finish. The food, fellowship and camaraderie makes me want to “hang out” with your group on my next visit!

  3. Avatar April 16th, 2018 at 7:40 am Kathryne Says:

    Grace, the loveliest compliment-thank you.

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