Day 12 Isla Mujeres Trip Report

Somehow it was Sunday again, but this Sunday I didn’t sleep through the sunrise AND I had company as D wasn’t playing tennis, that made it extra sweet.

We had so enjoyed Beach Church with Ken Wanovich the previous Sunday, that we were back for more. Jackie, the owner of Jax was the gracious host.

Gathering together in such a beautiful setting, does the ole heart good.

Once back home in our little apartment, I took some left over shrimp ceviche and made this beautiful shrimp omelet, using the recipe that I remembered from Rueben’s restaurant.

It was a low key day in Centro and when Sister #3 was looking to have a visitor at lunch, I was happy to tag along.

Everyone has their favourite Loncheria (we typical visit Alexa & Giovani’s) and even though I had been to Tumbras before, I didn’t remember being so impressed with the food!

The Mom of this little one worked at the Loncheria. She was such a sweetheart and so good at entertaining herself. As the fresh market was right next door, the kitchen often ran out to pick up a fresh item, as was the case when I placed my order. The Momma would scoop up her little one to run these errands, and you could tell that the latter was pleased with a change of scene.

When Sister #3’s choice of breaded pork cutlets arrived we were blown away by the portion-enough for at least two meals and at such an affordable price! They were reportedly delicious.

My order of French Fries came along quite a while after Sister #3 had eaten to content, but that was because they ran to purchase the potatoes, peeled, cut them on the spot and shallow fried them (I know because it was an open kitchen). With a squeeze of lime and lightly salted, they were sensational! Boy the locals know how to make perfect fries.

Upon our return to the apartment, we understood that one of the Carnaval dance troops was coming to entertain on our block. We joined other neighbours and enjoyed their performance immensely but I was particularly delighted, when they all hopped onto their motorcycles, and made their way to their next engagement.

We had met Donna, on our second day on the island. She was our neighbour in the apartments and a fellow Canadian. D and I immediately bonded with her. D taught her how to make margaritas that afternoon and they are seen here, enjoying the fruits of the tutorial.

As I stated earlier, we had no real balcony at our second floor apartment but there was common space on the main floor. One day the main floor ladies worked together to get the space tidied up and D pitched in on another day to haul away garbage and paint cans. Sure enough, when we returned a couple of days after we checked out, more discarded paint cans how found their way back to the space.

Our tradition of meeting new arrivals continued that afternoon. “Doona” as we call her on the island is another Islaholic and has travelled with our family for many years, so we consider her one of our brood

and tease her that she is Bro K’s “Mexican Girlfriend”.

With no one having a rental in Centro big enough for us all to visit, we got her settled in and then met up on the Malecon for welcome libations.
That evening we were excited to have dinner at El Patio. I have mentioned previously, that it is our go to spot for happy hour appetizers and drinks. Full dinners are beautifully prepared and delicious too. Click the link above to read more.

After dinner, we walked through Centro, stopping briefly to check out the carnival stage. Our apartment was very close to the Zocalo and we heard all the festivities late into to the night. Note to self: check out Carnival dates before booking for 2024.

The food carts around the square are always tempting, and during carnival an even greater selection, is brought in.

In repect for the locals, I never take a picture without their permission, these beauties were happy to comply.
Kath’s quotes: “Dance like no one’s watching.”-Authour unknown

Love never fails.