Isla Mujeres 2019 Trip Report-Day 7



I was content to watch the sunset from bed but it was so exquisite that I hopped into some clothes so that I didn’t miss a minute.



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I love mornings best on the island. They provide a beautiful opportunity to sit with my coffee, journal, pray, read or walk.

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As I strolled this path from my sunrise walk, I peaked in the gate of the Villas which are at the south end of the airport runway on the west side of the road. I am sorry that I do not remember what they were named but they are gorgeous!



D went out for a long walk and when he returned we headed into town for breakfast at Ruben’s.

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We both are crazy about Ruben’s shrimp omelettes. Boo and the Frenchman were walking by and joined us for freshly squeezed orange juice.



I have never been inside the second hand bookstore but was drawn to the decor! Look at the gorgeous floor! I bought a book and spent the rest of the day in and out of the hammock to read.


This was the gorgeous sky as we walked back into town. We were off to friends’ J and B’s apartment (which we loved!) for Happy Hour and then we met up with the entire family/gang for supper at Fredy’s.  We had a hurried visit and a couple of quick cocktails with J and B. We sat at 2 tables with the surprise that Doona from home was there.


D and I split one of Fredy’s amazing porkchops and his garlic shrimp. Both were delish. Then we were off to El Patio for drinks and so that D could say good-bye to Jacob, but unfortunately we missed him. We enjoyed D’s last night cap under the stars.

Kath’s quote:“After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relations’.   –   Oscar Wilde


Love never fails.





posted under Isla Mujeres

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