Isla Mujeres Trip Report-Day 7, Part 1


Day 7 turns out to be another predominately pictorial rendition of my lovely time.  My husband was arriving the following day and I was moving to another favourite little hotel on the airport strip.  So, knowing this, I soaked up all that Centro had to offer.  I started with a wander up along the north east side of the island.

Then back past Roca Mar

and back to Casa el Pio.

Early that afternoon, I found a low palm to relax under and take some photos of the west shore of Centro.

The time came to meet our gang at Chuuk Kay to see our friends Javi and Marla (engaged since our return home) and “The Band with No Name”, always one of the highlights of our time on the island.  But I was in for a big surprise (well “big” in my world-I prefer “sure things”).

Stay tuned.

Kath’s quote: “What I love about cooking is that after a hard day, there is something comforting about the fact that if you melt butter and add flour and then hot stock, it will get thick! It’s a sure thing! It’s a sure thing in a world where nothing is sure; it has a mathematical certainty in a world where those of us who long for some kind of certainty are forced to settle for crossword puzzles.”-Nora Ephron

Love-that is all.




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