Trip Report Day Seventeen-Karen’s Departure Day & Xaman

Today was Karen’s departure day. D was at tennis while I did some media work and Karen packed. She was a newbie to Isla Mujeres but was hooked in (I wanna say) 35 seconds! We were still on the sidewalk, making our way to her suite, when she declared as much.

Kelly and Lorraine joined D and I as we saw Karen off. As we waved her good-bye, many people waiting in line, waved back at us. I think everyone appreciates being sent off at the ferry.

Sue and Donna arrived just moments too late. Kelly and Lorraine were hitting the beach as D and I bussed to Chedraui with Sue and Donna. We walked home with groceries from there. En route, we saw the place that D loves (almost) best of all on the island.

Also on the way, I made note of this little street for the first time. I have been visiting almost 20 years and never noticed it before. Would it dead end at the school?

D and I did some beachcombing together as the water was low. But we got too hot, so we jumped in the pool.

We were feeling vegetable deprived, so we made a salad for lunch with a glass of red, to mellow out the day.

That evening Sue and I went to Xaman. I waited in the palm shadows across the road from our place, for Sue to pick me up in a cab.

I love these trees. This was in front of Xaman but there is also one where we used to stay at Luna D’ Miel and another at Isla Brewing where D spent the evening.

Xaman’s decor was beautiful and relaxed. We settled in to learn so many things about the history of Mexican food. We got adventurous and tried grasshoppers and worms. I can’t say that I enjoyed them or even that they were “good”, but I was glad to have tried them none the less. I can put them on my strange food list with crocodile and barracuda.

Their mixologist was an artist! I was very happy with the way that this picture turned out. The drink spoke to me of sunset on the Caribbean Sea. It was both beautiful and delicious. Read more about the fabulous food at:

We enjoyed sunset from the restaurant. D’s sister Deb and her partner Joe’s arrival had been detained by 2 hours. But fear not, I had a new book to crack open!
Kath’s quote: Life’s comings and goings are like a symphony, with each person playing their part, adding depth and richness to the melody.” – Oliver Anderson

Love never fails.