Trip Report Day Twelve-Fuego del Mar

Even though D had been on the island, less then 12 hours, he was off to meet his tennis buddies. His friendship with this group of locals, ex-pats and travelers, is a blessing to me because it is a primary reason why he is anxious to return each year, instead of exploring another destination.

We were both up early. My primary goal was to sit quietly to greet the sun and be grateful for this lovely and familiar place. When I left the balcony to refill my cup of coffee, there was this blast of light from our bedroom. I hadn’t realized until then that the sun rose in our south facing bedroom window.

D was pooped after his first tennis in a number of months, so while he replenished, I went downstairs to reacquaint with the neighbours from last year and meet some new ones too.

This is our place from the waterline. We have the entire second floor including that wonderful wrap around deck. In fact we rarely gravitate to the north end of that space, as there is no shade and it gets bloody hot!

I love the Caribbean side of the island. The breeze and the waves are always lovely. And even though I am not much of a beachcomber these days, the picking is excellent!

One of our neighbours waded into the water everyday to do some fishing. I had always been told not to enter the ocean on that side. but he seemed confident to do so.
We were off to Piacere Beach Club but I hadn’t paid close enough attention to the instructions and our cab took us a bit too far south. But it was serendipitous because upon arrival on the road adjacent, a handsome Mexican says “Hey, I know you. You’re Canadian, right?” Wasn’t I supposed to avoid these situations? Just then I realized that it was our friend Jacob that we met at El Patio but hadn’t seen in years. We ran into each in Centro days later and I still didn’t recognize him out of context.

Piacere is a quieter Beach Club for those who like to read, nap and swim without distraction. We met lovely people there including my friend Karen and our server Adrian who we met last year at Amazona.

We were home in time for showers and sunset.

That evening we were out to dinner with our dear friends Jan and Bruce. We had never dined at Fuego del Mar before, even though it is a favourite of theirs and many other island friends. The food was fabulous and I would loved to have shared all the details with you except that it was so dark, that none of my pics were recognizable, except for this sole image of our shared dessert. I know that Bruce raved about the octopus and D had had a Vera Cruz fish. Jan and I each order the same dish and although I remember that it was over the top tasty, I can only recall that it was adorned with asparagus. Some Food Writer I am!
After dinner it was home to read in our enormous bed.
Kath’s quote: “In the company of friends, every meal becomes a feast.”-unknown

Love never fails.