La Bamba
The intention of “Dine About Winnipeg” is to woo us from our February nesting inclination, to brave the cold and discover a new eatery. We were more than willing.
La Bamba has a great selection of Mexican cervesas and tequilas to choose from and D was delighted by his margarita. He is a purist when it comes to lime margaritas and was duly impressed that it was not a blended concoction from a lime mix but a hand shaken variety with pure lime juice. He’s been talking about it ever since…
The basket of tortilla chips and salsa verde was an authentic start to the culinary success of the evening. D & I ordered from the “Dine About” selections starting with Sopa de Tortilla. I often make this soup at home and prefer more lime and cilantro but it was very, very good, just a different recipe from mine.
I had the giant chipotle prawns over Mexican rice. D had one of my three prawns and I was still more than satisfied (that’s how huge they were). The Mexican rice-I MUST get their recipe. I can guess ingredients but I really, really need to be able to duplicate theirs on a regular basis. So if anyone from La Bamba is reading this, please message me on my blog.
My fellow diners were well pleased with their Chicken enchilada verdes and D declared that La Bamba has the truest Mexican food in the city. A high compliment as we are so addicted to Mexican fare, we often talk about opening our own little tiende.
We enjoyed a well-priced Argentinian Malbec with dinner. A house-made tequila ice cream with coconut wafers was the last course and the evening was touted a success.
When the Spanish celebrate Valentine’s Day it is with this expression: “Feliz dia del cariño y la amistad” “Happy day of affection and friendship”. And so it was that we kicked off Valentine’s weekend in the most appropriate way.
Kath’s quote: “Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
Love never fails