Isla Mujeres 2017 -Trip Report Day Three



D set the alarm so that I could watch the sunrise.


J1 and Wee One2 were already on the malecon when I arrived.



J2 and the Wee One2  joined us a short time later for a lovely visit.


This was our view from the yoga platform.


The groom was taking a well-deserved cat nap before the yoga class.

Enjoyed a breakfast of yoghurt at the hotel and then I headed to yoga which was another of the group events co-ordinated by the wedding party.





Another wonderful day. The forecast was not good but after yoga (which was as good as a 62 year old could manage) I walked to the beach and met the gang i.e. Kel & Lor, Susan, Judi Aaron, Pinky and Serena. Walked home with Pat and Doug then rejoined my gang at the beach.


By this time Belle was asleep in Bekah’s arms.


The Wee One & Momma

I bought some cheese to go with my garlic rice crackers from home, a mango and a banana and had a lovely picnic lunch on the beach. Spent the last of the afternoon visiting with Kel & Lor under the palms.


I walked home and decided to explore the roof of our hotel. The view to the north,


to the east,


and to the south.

When I went back down the stairs, I saw that a gang had gathered for Happy Hour while the little girls partook of an early dinner.


Then we were off to an amazing family dinner at Fredy’s. Read all about it in the Fredy’s link. His pork chops got rave reviews as usual.

After dinner we took walks down Hildalgo and then a wee gathering was held at our place with Kel and Lor, Rod and Roxanne, Doug and Pat and us. At 11 pm it was lights out as we all had the big wedding day Wednesday.

Kath’s quote: “Looking forward to things is half the pleasure of them.” Anne in Anne of Green Gables


Love never fails.

posted under Isla Mujeres

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