Browsing: Isla Mujeres

2013 Isla Mujeres-Dinner at Hortencia’s


I wrote this in my travel journal the morning after we had spent a very special evening:

As you know I have been traveling every year to Isla Mujeres since 2005 and I can honestly say that last evening was the most precious of a string of pearls that I call my Isla Memories.  I have seen the saying “Mi Cusa Es Su Casa” on many ceramic plaques.  I have purchased one for a friend and another one sits at my own front door.  But I have never truly understood the meaning until last evening.

I have written in the space about our dressmaker friend Hortencia: how she will allow you to select a pareo and when you return the next day, have a sun dress whipped up and waiting for you, matching shawl and all.  I have also made reference to her children and her adorable grandchildren.  We know Hortencia well enough by now, to know that she and her husband have worked hard to raise their family and to provide in a manner that all parents hope for. 


I have imagined Hortencia in her kitchen, as I have caught glimpses of the lunches that she has packed for her family, so that they can have a nutritious meal right at the store and not interrupt the flow of shoppers or disappoint anybody if she is not on site.  Last night I got to see Hortencia’s kitchen. 


It is truly a perfectly planned room, set away from the rest of the house with only a doorway in and out of the outdoor space that sits at the back of the house.  This way when Hortencia is cooking for her family (who all still reside with she and Papi), she will not heat up the rest of the house. 



She took the day off from the market stall yesterday, to do what we understand is a rare thing indeed.  She stayed home to watch over a pot of love-her own mole recipe.  The chicken must have simmered for hours as it was so tender, not in a stewed way but a moist, baked one. She served the casserole with a beautifully flavoured rice, her own guacamole, homemade tortilla chips, pickled peppers and huge stacks of tortillas.


The meal was absolutely delicious by any standards, but in truth, it had nothing to do with the taste of the ingredients because you could literally taste the love-the love of us, her Canadian friends, the love of her family (standing at a separate table so that we her guests could sit around her big dining table), the love of her Island and her country.  


The evening passed with jokes and stories animated with huge gestures to get the point across.  Simple English was spoken by Hortencia and her family.   Simple Spanish was streamed through Sister #3, Miguel, Dona and Paula all having worked hard to immerse themselves in the romantic language.  And thank heavens they had, because their contribution to the enjoyment of the evening for us all, was immense. 


We are a pack of travelling pet lovers and are all missing our babies back home.  Hortencia’s household is shared by two adorable Chihuahuas and a muscular and handsome pit bull.  So many of us got our canine snuggles in with the Chihuahuas nestling their noses under elbows and the pit bull guiding Sister #2’s hand back to the spot on his chest where he loved to be nuzzled.


At some point in the evening Hortencia’s son got out their huge family album to walk us through the faces and history of his family.  We too, went back through our archived photos on our digital cameras to provide images of our huge family assembled for a recent wedding.


We were reluctant to leave, but the kids needed to get to bed and all the adults obviously put in very long days.  We thought Hortencia might be tired but she laughingly admitted that she was “frio” (chilly).  Not surprisingly, we Canadians thought that the weather was pretty much perfect. Brother K gallantly offered his Winnipeg Jets jackets which she graciously accepted. 


We hadn’t known what to bring that would be a gesture of gratitude for the hospitality.  We didn’t want to insult the family by brining food, so we amassed a huge bouquet of flowers and toys for the grandkids.  How do you adequately thank someone who wants you to truly feel as if their home is your home?

Kath’s quote:“The home should be the treasure chest of living.”Le Corbusier


Love-that is all.

Isla Mujeres Trip Report-Day 9, Part 1


We are into our Isla routine of waking up with the sun.  We are rewarded over and over again with incredible colours and play of light and water.

Isla Sunrise

Isla Sunrise

Isla wave

Isla Casas

We spent a lovely morning on the Caribe side of our little room and the delightful street patio.

Isla Street Patio

D is really content this year to just stay put in the mornings.  I did some beach-combing while D read and sunned in the hammock.  He is learning how to truly relax and lap up the pleasures that the island has to offer.

Isla Colonias

Isla Colonias

Isla Colonias

Isla Colonias

Isla Colonias

Isla Colonias

Isla Colonias

In the late morning, we walked to the north Colonias to explore together. As much as I love Centro, the “neighbourhoods” offer a charm all their own.

Isla Produce Seller

And the people are just as gorgeous as the brightly coloured buildings.

Lolo Lorenas

Lolo Lorena's

Lolo Lorena


I spot a place that I absolutely cannot resist capturing with my camera.  It has a familiar feel and then I realize that it is Lolo Lorena’s.  I have dined there only once and it was dark when I arrived and so I did not recognize it in the brilliant sunshine.

Isla Shell Mobiles

Isla Shell Mobile

Isla Shell Mobiles

Isla Shell Mobiles

Isla Shell Mobile

Lorena is across the street from a house where a person creates shell hangings that are illuminated.  I got a gorgeous one for our gazebo back home.  At $30 for a work of art, I was thrilled.

Isla Lunch Spot

We found this little place for lunch only to find that they weren’t yet serving lunch.  We always seem to want to eat earlier than islanders.

Isla Iquana

So we stopped  (for our very first visit) at Iguana’s at Marina Pariso.  You might say that Iguana’s is appropriately named.   The lunch area is a shady spot under a canopy of leaves with beautiful lanterns adorning the boughs.

Isla Iquana's

Isla Iquana's


We shared lunch of fish and chips (fabulous fried fish and ok fries) and a simple but absolutely delicious onion and potato omelet.

Iquana Fish & Chips

Iquana's Omelette

With 2 icy cold coronas to wash it down and a beautiful setting, it was a great lunch.

Isla Marina

Isla Marina

We strolled down to the marina before winding our way back through the Colonias and our way home.

Isla Colonias

Isla Colonias

Isla Colonias

We actually wore ourselves out with the long walk home, so we had to rest up before we ventured out for the evening.

Kath’s quote: “Laziness is nothing more than resting before you get tired.” -Jules Renard


Love-that is all.

Dream Destinations-Another Opportunity to Win through a Sobey’s Pinathon


The truth is, I truly can’t decide which is my favourite destination between Italy and Mexico and the food is the reason why.  How do you choose between the fresh sparkling taste of cilantro when paired with chilies, tomatoes and freshly squeezed lime and the earthy tones of rosemary, garlic and red wine which transforms a tomato into something else, indeed?  Thankfully, now a days, the world is truly our oyster, so why do I just have to have one favourite?


The first time I set foot on Isla Mujeres, I knew that the little island would always be a part of my life.  We have already booked a villa on the sea for the 2014 season, when we take the entire family including “Baby”, who will be born this summer.  Getting to Mexico can be fairly affordable, if you plan carefully and start researching airfares in advance.  On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you choose to travel at the last minute, there are often some tremendous deals.  But, we don’t roll that way.  My readers know that the anticipation of a trip for me, is often as satisfying as the trip itself.

italian bbq

Italy and the rest of Europe is a special treat.  We reserve overseas travel for significant birthdays and anniversaries.  With the exception of this fall, when we are taking time in October so that I can lead a blogging workshop in Tuscany.  The vacation package includes tutelage in the kitchen by Chef Enrico, whose ancient restored estate is where the participants will reside.  That is, when we are not touring the cities and towns of Tuscany or foraging for truffles in its forests.

But in the mean time, here is a more immediate reward.  If you are interested in one of four $100. Sobey’s gift cards, create and then share your own Sobeys West Pinboard.  Copy and paste your board  URL(s) in the comments section below. How the contest works: Anyone who creates a pinboard and repins 4 pins from, using the keyword SobeysWest, is entered to win!  You have to reside in Manitoba and west to do so.

Here’s a link to my own pinboard:

So, make a cuppa tea.  Sit back and let’s dream of where we want to travel next….happy pinning!

Kath’s quote: “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There  is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes  open.” – Jawaharial  Nehru

Heart on dock

Love-that is all.

Isla Mujeres 2013 Trip Report-Day 8 continued


Getting the precise timing of D’s arrival at the ferry landing on the Cancun side was crucial, since he was expecting me, but on the Isla side. I didn’t want to be heading west across the Bay of Cancun, as he was heading east towards Isla.  I have always thought that those Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan movies, where they are always mere seconds away from meeting each other, were way too tense and anxiety-provoking. I am not kidding, doesn’t the suspense drive you to the edge of your seat? No? Okay, it is just me, then.

Day 81.jpg

After careful calculations, I left Luna D’Miel precisely at the moment that D’s plane would have been touching down. I had a 15 minute walk ahead of me and a wait for the ferry. I arrived at Gran Puerto just as the 11:30 am ferry was boarding. I caught D’s attention as he was charging ahead to climb on board, for the noon crossing.


We celebrated being back together with a beer on the top deck and then more beer and mixed ceviche at the Fisherman’s Co-op. Why so much celebrating? D and I have been together for over 30 years and every time we reunite after a time apart, we rejoice anew.

Isla boats 2

We walked up the Airport Road to Luna D’Miel with D’s luggage in tow and then headed back down to Centro for a quiet sit together by the water and then to buy some more provisions.

D in the fading sun

Idal Sunset

As much as we love watching the sun rise in the morning (especially from our bed), we love love gazing at its setting as well. This is one of the many reasons why we love staying at Luna D’Miel.  Where on the Island, can you enjoy both with such splendour?

Isla Sunset

Isla Sunset

Isla sunset

Isla Sunset

isla sunset

We chose not to linger because we were meeting the gang for dinner.  There was much deliberation on what the nine of us had a hankering for, but in the end, the answer was tacos.  Then of course, the discussion centered upon where  the best place for tacos was.  Traveling with an entourage has its delights, but not necessarily when conclusions have to be made, especially when we are staying at four different areas of the island.  In the end, the determination was Tacqueria Media on Hidalgo, but we were too early, as they don’t open until 8ish (with the emphasis on the “ish”). So we strolled south on Hidalgo and decided upon Don Cheapo.

The food was quite tasty and we were having a very enjoyable evening, until a table of very loud patrons, drove us into the street. Has this happened to you, as well?  The group was piercingly loud and argumentative and had clearly had way too many margaritas.  The staff and management did not dare muffle them, for fear of lost of business (and I am guessing- gratuities).  But we could not focus on our own festivities, once they had arrived.  Our attention was constantly pulled to their table, until we just gave up and decided to find somewhere for a quiet ice cream.

Pokrchop Tacos

But before their arrival, we tucked into this array of tacos. The pork chop tacos were assembled from sizzled strips of pork chop including a little round bone.

Cactus Tacos

D adventurously ordered the cactus tacos as well.  We scrutinized the taste and declared that it was close to a pickled pepper (unless you have never tasted one of those).

Chicken Fajitas

My Sis-in-Law enjoyed the Chicken Fajitas.


Sister #2  elected to taste the chicken tostada with ham peas, tomato sauce and sauteed plantain.

Hard Tacos

My Bro-in-law opted for crispy chicken tacos.

Shrimp Tacos

Sister #3 determined that she need a shrimp fix but I am not totally sure if there were enough crustaceans in these to satisfy her.

Garlic Fish

I was delighted with my choice of fresh fish that was lightly sauteed in butter and garlic and served alongside broccoli shoots.

D was ready for his first night of blissful sleep with the sound of the crashing ocean waves outside our windows.  As a result, we did not linger in Centro, but strolled back out to our little piece of paradise.

Kath’s quote: “Ancient lovers believed a kiss would literally untie their souls, because the spirit was said to be carried in one’s breath.”  -Eve Glicksman

Turquoise gate

Love-that is all.


Isla Mujeres Trip Report- Day 7, Part 2 & Day 8, Part 1


When I arrived at Chuuk Kay, I settled in to recreate the fun times that we have experienced every time we have gathered there.


The food is always first class (I have even enjoyed New Year’s Eve dinner here), the service attentive


and the beer, lovely and cold.


Add to that, the surprise of seeing Jackie and Julie, whom we asked to join our gang.  Everywhere we go turns out to be a party.  So you can understand that I was content to stay put and perhaps order a second bucket of cervezas for the table.


When I saw this beautiful lady, who is not only a talented singer in her own right but the owner of Budget Isla Rentals, she asked why I had not yet checked into Luna D’Miel.  What-I thought that I was supposed to check in the next day?  But, I was wrong!


I had been counting the hours until my move because in spite of how cozy and charming Casa el Pio is, the beach along the airport strip is my favourite place on the island.


I could have spent the entire afternoon, scouring the beach, lying in the hammock


or perched in the shade watching the world go buy with the sea


and Cancun in the background.  I am not a spontaneous person and I don’t care for surprises. I like to know exactly what I am doing on an hour to hour basis.  Once I realized my mistake, I could not relax and enjoy myself.  I had to get back to Casa el Pio to pack up, so that I could settle into my new digs at Luna d’Miel as soon as possible.



But before my brother-in-law offered to give me a lift back to Centro on the back of his scooter, I walked the gorgeous property at Chuuk Kay to see the start of the sun’s decline in the sky.


I must have been highly motivated because I made good time.  There was still light in the sky when I took this shot from the front door of my suite at Luna d’Miel.  I settled in and had an early night, certain that I would be awake with the sun.


Here’s one of the many reasons why I love Luna d’Miel: watching the sunrise without leaving my bed.


These are some of the other reasons:




D was arriving that morning so I walked into town and boarded the ferry to meet him on the Cancun side.



I am usually too excited to get off the boat when I arrive on Isla and don’t take the time to savour the surroundings of the island from the ferry.  I recorded in my journal that morning:  “I thought I was happy before, I am ecstatic now.”

Kath’s quote: “Well,” said Pooh, “what I like best,” and then he had to stop and think.  Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.”―A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh


Love-that is all.

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